Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Gossip: Kim K’s Security Increased After TV Show; Gwyneth Paltrow Refuses to Eat This Animal Because It’s Too Smart

Kim has once again increased her security after the episode aired where she tells all about her Paris tragedy.

“Kim has increased her security. After the episode aired she needed to feel safe and has hired more guards. Watching herself telling all the details freaked Kim out. It brought back all the nightmares and she wanted to fell safe,” sources tell Naughty Gossip “Her safety is everything. They had a lot of conversations about how much to reveal because they didn’t want to encourage sick copycats. She was very brave to do this.”

Gwyneth Paltrow Refuses to Eat This One Animal Because It’s ‘Too Smart to Be Food’

Gwyneth Paltrow may like to steam her clam, but she’s never going to eat octopus.

While speaking with her Goop colleagues in a Slack chat this week, the 44-year-old revealed she won’t eat the multi-limbed creature because of their supposed intelligence. When a staff member suggested ordering barbecue octopus at Los Angeles’ Cliff’s Edge restaurant during a conversation about food recommendations, Paltrow went on a “#tangant” and told her staff that she can no longer have it because she believes the animal is “too smart to be food.”

“They have more neurons in their brains than we do. I had to stop eating them because I was so freaked out by it,” she wrote, according to a screenshot of the chat shared on Goop’s Instagram story. “They can escape from sea world and sh*t by unscrewing drains and going out to sea.”

Though the mom-of-two will no longer indulge in a piece of tako nigiri the next time she’s at a Japanese restaurant, calamari is totally on her menu. According to Paltrow, she’s still a fan of eating squid.

“No,” Paltrow responded, when asked if she’ll be staving off the deep fried dish. “Squid is the dumb cousin, apparently.”

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Yes Please! Someone Donated A Cooler Filled With Marijuana To Goodwill


Most of us go to Goodwill to donate — or buy — vintage clothing, used furniture, old books and the like. Marijuana? Not so much.

Last week, employees at the Goodwill in Monroe, Wash., a suburb north of Seattle, discovered a cooler filled with 3.75 pounds of bagged cannabis.


The Monroe Police Department’s Twitter account displayed a smiling officer with the illegal stash with the obvious statement: “Employees [were] surprised when they opened the lid.”

According to Monroe police, the 3.75 pounds of pot had an estimated street value of $24,000.

Police and Goodwill are looking at the surveillance video in an effort to capture the person who made the “donation.” Although cannabis is legal in the state of Washington, the legal maximum possession amount is one ounce. The cooler’s contents was 60 times the legal limit.

“There are many people on social media claiming it’s theirs,” said Debbie Willis of the Monroe Police Department, “but we have yet to have one walk through the door.”

Did the person who dropped off the cooler know the marijuana was in there? Hard to know. But Katherine Boury, a spokesperson for Goodwill, offered this advice: “This is a reminder to check your purse, pockets, or cooler to make sure you’re donating the items you mean to.”

What will happen to the weed? “It’s sitting in our evidence, waiting yearly burn of that type of evidence.” Willis said.

This is not the most unusual donation to the Monroe Goodwill facility, according to Boury.

“In 2013, three human skulls were found,” she told CNN. She said that two of the skulls had been used for medical research, and one Native American skull that was more than 100 years old. “We worked with authorities to track down the origin of the Native American skull for proper burial,” she said.

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Stand Tall: These Ugly Shorts Promise To Give Men Stronger Erections


There are a lot of male enhancement products out there, most of them bogus and no help with boners. Sorry dudes. Pills and wacky devices can only do so much if you’re not pleased with what you’re naturally packing.

There are magic grow-medicines and serums that promise virility, but nothing quite like these hideous, vibrating shorts. Called the VylyV, the shorts claim to help strengthen pelvic floor muscles by training you to do better kegels. Yep, just like the ladies.

They look like overly-stylized bike shorts, but they’re full of trackers and vibrating functions to use along with an app on your phone. By playing games and getting feedback, the company says that these shorts will give you more powerful erections and orgasms.

From their now-funded Indiegogo campaign:

Kegel exercises (contracting the pelvic floor muscles) strengthens the hammock of muscle tissue that stretches from the pubic bone back to the tailbone and supports essential organs such as the bladder and bowel. Strengthening the pelvic floor also strengthens the bulbocavernosus muscle, which is responsible for controlling urination, erections and ejaculation in men.

But the science here is questionable, as Dr. Paul Turek told Huffington Post: “There is a relationship between pelvic muscles and incontinence, but there’s no evidence of a clear benefit between strong pelvic muscles and strong erections.”

Their campaign page says that the company’s founder, Michael, is “an avid gym-goer and men’s health enthusiast, [who] always believed that ‘bigger is better.’” He’d tried “over 20 penis enlargement devices” before becoming a pelvic floor strengthening advocate. Gotta give it to the guy, that’s tenacity.

Dubious science aside, their product video raises some eyebrows. Maybe we could all use a little more body positivity instead of freaky-ass pants? Watch their video for yourself, and stay til the end for the Oscar-worthy lines:

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10 Types Of Marijuana To Help You Feel More Confident


Feeling confident can ease the stress out of many situations, be them work-related, like when you need to make a kick-ass presentation; or socially related, like bringing some chill to that awkward date.

It’s not always easy to feel more confident, there are days where we don’t feel as comfortable with ourselves and we might need extra help aside from sleeping eight hours a night and working out regularly. Luckily, we have 10 types of marijuana here that will make you feel like you are king or queen of the world.

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Know that there are multiple ways to consume marijuana, you can eat or drink it, rub it into your skin, vape, smoke and much more. Ask the budtenders at your local dispensary which products have the strains listed and then pick how you want to put it into your body.

Consume these and feel like you can take on the world with your charms and prowess:

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Like its name suggests, this mostly sativa strain has a strong fruity and strawberry-like scent and flavor that works well for relieving stress and tension without any paranoia. Strawberry is comfortable and relaxing, ready to prepare you for stress-free social situations.

Double Dream

This strain produces an intense result that will have you feeling euphoric, talkative and confident in everything you put your mind to. It also has a blend of great sweet and spicy flavors which make it a joy to consume.

RELATED: 8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It

Dr. Feelgood

Like its name implies, this strain wants to make you feel mentally and physically great, leaving your body buzzing with a mellow and controllable energy.

Tommy’s Home Grown

This type of marijuana has an earthy taste that makes it perfect to consume at home after a long stressful day. It will also have you feeling uplifted and energized without inducing any type of paranoia.

Devil Fruit

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This strain is 70 percent sativa that comes with a mix of sweet and spicy flavors that’ll stimulate your brain, making you feel creative and confident, while also relaxing and draining the tension out of your body, which is always a plus.

Northern Wreck

This type of marijuana mixes strains that are designed to stimulate your brain while also giving you strength and energizing you, producing a full body euphoria that will have you ready to take on the day’s challenges with a smile.

Don Shula

This type of marijuana will leave you soaring with happiness and is uplifting both mind and body.


This type of marijuana has a sweet berry aroma that will energize your brain, leaving you confident and apt at managing social situations or when doing a task that requires focus and attention. It’ll also leave you feeling very happy and positive.

White Nightmare

While its name doesn’t suggest any happiness, White Nightmare will leave your body with a feeling of euphoria and positivity unlike any other. Your body will feel comfortably relaxed and great.

Chronic Thunder

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RELATED: Types Of Marijuana To Make You Feel Less Stressed

With a funky smell of pepper and diesel, this type of marijuana will have you focused and will take you to your comfortable place for a long while.

Calvin & Hobbes Plus ‘Star Wars’ Is A Gift From The Internet Mashup Gods


There are many artists and creators who have experimented mashing up the beloved Bill Watterson comic strip Calvin & Hobbes with pop culture. Fans of the strip have used its loose style and witty spirit to combine with properties like Adventure Time, Game of Thrones, and even Fight Club.

But one collaboration has recently struck a chord throughout internet channels. That would be Brian Kesinger’s mashup of Calvin & Hobbes with Star Wars. If you’re following any serious fans of either franchise, you’ve likely run across Kesinger’s reimagining of a young Kylo Ren as the rebellious Calvin.

According to The Verge, Kesinger is a story artist at Walt Disney Studios and has also created some artwork for Marvel, specifically on six issues of Groot last year. Kesinger first thought of the idea watching The Force Awakens, when he saw Rey slide down the sands of Jakku. “[I]t made me think of that classic image of Calvin & Hobbes in their red wagon,” he told The Verge.

#lilkylo etsy commission. #rey #starwars

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Kesinger has been taken aback by the popularity of his art, but did note that his goes deeper into the spirit of the original comic strip. Examining his image, he’s right. Kesinger has also been able to recapture Watterson’s imaginative voice in the dialogue, though it aptly matches the Star Wars characters and not a Calvin & Hobbes rip-off.

“Once I really made the comparison that Kylo Ren was probably a difficult child much like Calvin, it really resonated with people,” he told The Verge. “The metaphor was solidified when I made Darth Vader Kylo’s imaginary friend.”

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Check out some of our favorites and head over to Kesinger’s Facebook, Instagram, and Etsy pages for more.

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Gossip: Kim Kardashian Forced To Recount Robbery Horror In 8 Episodes; JLo And A-Rod Love

Mother-of-two Kim, who is married to Kanye West, was held by armed robbers in Paris last October and $10 million worth of jewelry was stolen. But insider tell Naughty Gossip that mother Kris is milking it tragedy for ratings.

“Kim talks about the robbery on eight episodes. Kris is making her stretch it out over lots and lots of episodes to get ratings,” sources tell Naught Gossip. “Kris sees this storyline as ratings gold and isn’t going to let Kim just tell the story on one episode. They are stretching this for as long as possible.”

Kim was bound and gagged at a private residence during Paris Fashion Week while her bodyguard was out in the city with her sisters. She thought she was going to be raped and killed on the traumatic night. She described that one of the thieves threw her on the bed and pulled her to him as she was semi-exposed.

Sunday night’s episode gave the 36-year-old reality star the platform to describe the disturbing events that transpired on October following months of news reports, speculation, and silence on her behalf.

Related Story: Gossip: Chris Evans Was How Old When He Lost His Virginity? Plus, Angelina Jolie Drama

“He grabs my legs, and I wasn’t, you know, I had no clothes on under. He pulled me toward him at the front of the bed and I thought, ‘Okay, this is the moment they’re going to rape me,’” Kim recounted in heart-wrenching detail.

She continued: “I fully mentally prepped myself – and then he didn’t. He duct-taped my legs together and had the gun up to me. I knew that was the moment they’re just totally going to shoot me in the head.”

 Jennifer Lopez Loves The Spotlight Too Much For Alex Rodriguez

And it seems Alex Rodriguez is making sure new girlfriend Jennifer Lopez gets an education in his sport, taking her along to a New York Yankees Spring Training game on Saturday. But what he really wants her to learn – is HOW TO SAY OUT OF THE SPOTLIGHT.

“Alex is very private and he hates that Jen needs soooo much public attention. He likes her but he likes his privacy more,” sources tell NAUGHTY GOSSIP. “If she doesn’t learn the privacy rules very fast, he will dump her. He doesn’t like being in the magazine and cannot understand how the photographers always know where they are. He is starting to think that someone in her team is tipping them off. He has had it with all these leaks to the press.”

Related Story: That’s The Spirit: 5 Great Bargain Whiskey’s to Buy Right Now

The new – and apparently besotted – couple were seen riding a golf cart together at George M. Steinbrenner Field in Tampa. They were there to watch the Yankees face off against the Baltimore Orioles.

They’ve recently been spotted holidaying in the Bahamas, where J Lo posted and quickly deleted a social media selfie that appeared to show him nuzzling her ear.

This Thursday evening, both the pop star and the baseball player were seen emerging from the swank restaurant Casa Tua in Miami.

A-Rod was previously married to Cynthia Scurtis from 2002 to 2008, and they’ve got two daughters: 12-year-old Natasha and 8-year-old Ella.

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TFT How-To: The Easiest Way To Make Magical Marijuana Brownies

If you could pop over to the ol’ supermarket and plop a tub of Organic Purple Haze Sweet Cream Butter into your cart as easily as a pack of eggs, I suspect there would be entire Anthony Bourdain-esque markets devoted to the art and appreciation of cannabis food.

Since we still live in a gerrymandered mixed bag of legality in the US, often one must first procure cannabis and then go through the sometimes time consuming process of extracting actives from the herb. The availability of a device that’s made specifically for this purpose is proof that the cogs are squeaking to a start and that eventually inertia will take over.

The Magical Butter machine is definitely unique as far as cooking devices go, and its sealed and stirred and evenly heated features confirm your butters, oils and even tinctures will be stronger than ever. In my kitchen, using it would replace three appliances and two steps in the process.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Thoughts on the Magical Butter 2 Device

Following their instructions, I decarbed some Sour D and hit the buttons, hoping for a Space Age butter experience. I used the same ratio of butter/herb that I normally use, just in the scale of the machine, meaning I had to make about twice what I normally make, volume wise, since it’s a bit bigger than I had thought it was going to be.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because aside from reducing steps, it adds up to less time making butter and cleaning and more time making recipes. Also, the butter it produced smelled much more intensely of cannabis than my typical at-home version, in line with the time and temp it spent in the device, with a temperature identical to my normal procedure, but a cook time twice that.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

It makes a fair bit of noise and isn’t completely scent-less, but it’s miles better than throwing the goods in a slow cooker or praying that your kitchen vents take care of most of the smell. This means if you aren’t in a 100% sanctioned situation, you don’t have to make things in the dead of night when no one can smell it.

The cleanup was also a little trickier, but again, this beats the hell out of using plastic vac bags that are bad for the environment in the long term. It even comes with reuseable tools for straining that are much more efficient and higher quality than similar tools not made for this purpose.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Since the ratio they have in their cookbook is also on the ‘lighter’ side, after eating something, I suspect the butter is actually stronger. Overall this device is great for its purpose, and it would be really helpful for many infusions, not just Cannabis ones.

In fact, it has a no-heat setting and times That could easily be used to make some fantastic cosmetics and naturopathic extracts. Not to mention that also allows for the more intensive and hard-to-create RSO and alcohol cannabis tinctures. It’s well worth the $174 if you’re making infusions on a monthly basis, let alone if you’re a frequent experimenter.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

I tried the butter in my basic (but still interesting) brownies, here’s the recipe:

Basic(ish) Fudge Nut Brownies

Danielle Guercio 2011

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Yields 30 1inch brownies, estimated 12 mg of THC per serving

  • 1 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup chocolate syrup
  • ½ cup Magical Butter according to their recipe, or other cannabis butter, melted
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ¼ c cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp almond extract
Photos by Danielle Guercio

Preheat oven to 300. Mix together dry ingredients. Beat eggs and melted butter into chocolate syrup.

Fold in dry ingredients gently and mix until uniform. Dispense into a baking pan 13×9 or individual molds. Bake for 15 minutes, rotate and bake for 15 more at 300 degrees. Allow to cool on wire racks before popping out of mold or cutting in any way.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

After munching, I feel like the brownie was not only stronger in aroma, but definitely stronger that what is normally put out in a home kitchen. The effects were similar since I used a strain that I’m used to, but much more pronounced than normal. The only way to be sure is lab testing, but based on observational clues, I’d call it a winner.

Photos: Danielle Guercio

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New Report Shows Marijuana Could Be Legal In All 50 States By 2021

Every state in the nation could be on track to legalize marijuana for medicinal or recreational use by the year 2021, suggests a new report.

Last year will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the biggest in the grand scheme of pot reform across the United States, with voters in California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada deciding to bring down the scourge of prohibition, once and for all. These states have joined Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska in running a tax and regulated cannabis trade that allow adults 21 and over to buy weed in the same manner as they do alcohol.

According to the latest research by GreenWave Advisors, the marijuana legalization movement is on the cusp of expanding into a significant number of additional states within the next few years. Already, there is momentum to get marijuana-related initiatives on the ballots in 2018 and 2020, which could lead to marijuana being made legal in all 50 states within the next four year, reports the Motley Fool.

At this point, the only deterrent would be if President Trump and his Attorney General (Jeff Sessions) decide to send in the cavalry to dismantle the marijuana industry in states that have already established a legal trade. But that seems to be easier said than done.

During a recent interview with national talk radio host Hugh Hewitt, Sessions admitted that, “It’s not possible for the federal government, of course, to take over everything the local police used to do in a state that’s legalized it.” What’s more is, while AG Sessions is not a fan of marijuana legalization, the goal of Trump’s Department of Justice seems to be more focused on crippling the drug cartels rather than businesses operating in legal states. Yet, there are still no guarantees that legal weed is safe.

If the industry manages to stay intact, GreenWave predicts the nationwide marijuana market could be worth approximately $30 billion in retail sales alone by 2021.

A similar report published earlier this year by Arcview Market Research and New Frontier Data shows the whole of the national cannabis industry could be worth around $22 billion by 2020. The report shows the market would likely contribute more than a quarter of a million of new jobs to the American workforce, which is more than the manufacturing and government sectors combined

Now more than ever, people are looking to legal marijuana as a salvation’s wing for local and state economies. In just the past two weeks, The Fresh Toast has reported on how communities in Pennsylvania and Ohio are looking to their respective state’s medical marijuana laws to put hundreds of people back to work. These blue-collar towns are simply looking to resurrect the American Dream at a time when traditional industries have left them for dead.

Perhaps it is for this reason that more Americans now support the legalization of marijuana than ever before. Some of the latest national data shows that around 60 percent of the population believes weed should be handled in a manner similar to beer.

But it is going to take an act of Congress to bring this concept to life – something that doesn’t seem likely to happen anytime soon.

Although some marijuana reformers often create hype around the issue each time a federal marijuana bill attracts an additional co-sponsor, there is still nowhere near enough support on Capitol Hill to bring the nation anywhere close to ending prohibition.

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Gossip: Chris Evans Was How Old When He Lost His Virginity? Plus, Angelina Jolie Drama

Chris Evans Was How Old When He Lost His Virginity?

Before he became a Hollywood superstar, Evans was an intern in New York City. He spent his time hanging with friends and looking forward to moving to Los Angeles to pursue his acting ambitions.

“I know I’m going to L.A. in August,” he said about the days during his internship. “So I go home and that spring I would wake up around noon, saunter into high school just to see my buddies, and we’d go get high in the parking lot. I just fucked off.”

Jealous Angelina Caused Major Drama With George Clooney’s Wife Amal

JEALOUS ….. Before Brad and Angelina split, Angelina caused major DRAMA with Brad pal George Clooney’s wife Amal.

An insider says, “Angie couldn’t stand being around Amal …… Not because Amal was rude or unkind, but solely because Angie was filled with envy. Angelina would even slam Amal’s looks and fashion sense.”

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Drunken Teen Frees Arm From Croc’s Mouth With Big Punch To Head


A teenager in Australia nearly lost his arm after he jumped into a crocodile-infested river on a dare and was attacked by one of the ginormous reptiles. The only thing that saved the 18-year old was his quick punch to the croc’s head.

The West Australian reports the 18-year-old man underwent surgery Saturday, hours after he jumped into the Johnstone River at Innisfail. The teen was reportedly climbing out of the water onto a wharf when the croc leapt from the water and seized the teen’s left arm. He likely would’ve have been dragged to his death had he not punched the croc in the head with his free right hand.

The teen’s friends also helped rescue him, which seems only fair because they were the ones who dared him to make the jump in the first place.

“Circumstances that led up to this attack are quite sketchy but reports from the scene are that he was dared to jump into the water, which he did,” Queensland Ambulance Service senior operations supervisor Neil Noble told The West. “Unfortunately the area is well known for its crocodile population and we’re grateful that he survived this incident because it could have turned out to be quite fatal.”

As you’ll no doubt be shocked to find out, the teens were reportedly drinking before the incident.

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