Saturday, October 5, 2024
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TFT Pro-Tips: 7 Ways To Shovel Snow Without Dying

Yesterday the Northeast was pummeled by a giant snowstorm. Schools are closed, flights are cancelled, and many businesses are letting their employees work remotely for the day. But that doesn’t mean you get to stay inside all day drinking hot chocolate and smoking weed. No, you must go shovel your walk (maybe you can smoke a little first). Here’s how to do so without severely injuring yourself or dying.

Stretch First


Odds are you haven’t used the muscles required to shovel snow in a while. Basic stretching—maybe even some yoga!—can help you avoid straining something that will leave you in pain during what would’ve otherwise been a pleasant day off.

Lift With Your Knees

You’d think that by now everyone would know to lift with your knees, not your back. But alas, the most basic bit of advice is the one most often ignored.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings


Nothing is worse than taking a big shovelful of snow to the face when you’re walking past someone obliviously clearing their sidewalk. So please, be mindful of those around you when you’re doing the neighborly thing and shoveling your walk.

Don’t Rush

Take this time to enjoy the beautiful outdoors and the physical exercise you’re getting instead of sitting at your desk and staring at a screen. Unless it’s really snowing hard, in which case—fuck that, shovel quickly (while still using proper form) and get back inside.

Take A Break


Halfway done or so? Go inside and have some more of that hot chocolate or maybe a little daytime beer or toke—it’s okay no one is judging.

Admire Your Handiwork Before It Vanishes

There, you’ve finished shoveling your walk. Congrats! Now take a minute to admire what you’ve accomplished because soon you’ll have to do it all over again.

5 Snow Day Projects To Do After Smoking Marijuana


Yesterday much of the East Coast was hit by a serious snow storm. If you’re lucky enough to be able to work remotely, or have kids to take care of because school was cancelled, you’re likely trapped out home. But if you were smart enough to stock up on your favorite strain/edible before the storm hit, there are plenty of entertaining stoned indoor activities for you to do. Here are some of our favorites.

Coloring Books

Coloring books for adults are all the rage now. As the snow piles up outside, smoke a little, then get some colored pencils and fill in some elaborate designs. What a wonderful and almost wholesome wintertime activity!

Clean Up Your House

Look around your apartment right now. If you’re like the majority of Fresh Toast staffers, it’s probably not in the best shape. So why not burn a little of your favorite Sativa and do some cleaning? It’s always shocking how little time a thorough cleaning actually takes, and you’ll feel wonderful and productive once you’re done. Don’t forget to put on some good music first!

Push-Ups and Sit-Ups

Feeling sluggish after sitting all day? Just 20 push-ups and as many sit-ups as you can manage. You’ll feel better almost immediately.

Cook Something Elaborate

For this, you obviously need to have stocked up before the storm (unless you’re willing to trudge to the store in near white-out conditions). But if you do have enough groceries to make a nice home cooked meal, really go for it. Skip your usual shortcuts. Open some wine that pairs nicely with your favorite bud, and enjoy everything that comes with taking a long time to prepare a delicious meal.

Regrout Your Bathroom Tiles

Anything detailed-oriented is fun and satisfying to do while blazed, and according to The Fresh Toast’s editor, regrouting your bathroom tiles is the perfect example of such an activity to do while trapped in on a snow day. If you’re unfamiliar with it, as we were, watch this helpful tutorial below.

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Pennsylvania Towns Hoping Medical Marijuana Will Replace Lost Steel Industry Jobs


There is hope in Pennsylvania that the newfound medical marijuana industry may have the power to replace some of the jobs that were stripped away after steel manufacturers began to leave the area.

Braddock, which has been in economic decline ever since steel became a product of foreign trade, is now pushing to host one of the two state permits that will be issued to the region allowing the production of cannabis for the state’s medical marijuana patients.

If all goes well, the town could see a 100,000-square-foot medical marijuana grow facility, built on the location of an old housing project that was ripped down more than two decades ago.

“It would be a real game changer here in town if we were able to secure the facility,” Braddock Mayor John Fetterman told CBS News. “We have the ability as a community to take a giant step forward to have this facility here in town.”

The medical marijuana complex, which would be overseen by the Denver Consulting Group, would produce as much as 20,000 pounds of marijuana and 3,000 pounds of oil every year, according to a report from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The facility would employ around 70 full-time workers and pour more than $1 million in tax revenue into the area.

The folks of Braddock may not be too far off base when considering legal marijuana a saving grace for the local economy.

Last month, a detailed market analysis provided by New Frontier Data showed the marijuana industry could soon resurrect the middle class — the foundation of the American economy — by creating more jobs within the next five years than the culmination of manufacturing and government positions.

However, Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana law only allows for 12 cultivation/ processing permits and 27 dispensary permits for the entire state – a bit small to make a significant dent in working class disparity.

But it is an admirable start.

Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana market is predicted to generate $125 million in sales during the first year of operation, according to the market research firm ArcView Group.

Although President Trump promised some Pennsylvania communities last year during his campaign that he would “put American-produced steel back into the backbone of our country,” experts say it is “highly unlikely” workers will see a comeback of the steel trade.

Therefore, it is absolutely crucial to the financial well being of generations to come for states and local jurisdictions to support the medical marijuana industry as opportunities become available.

The people of Wilmington, Ohio understand this concept.

Presently, the town, which has suffered economic troubles ever since the loss of DHL, is hoping that a medical marijuana production facility will be built in their community later this year. That 19-acre complex is expected to create as many as 220 new jobs.

Kim Kardashian And Sisters Close Dash Store; Bethenny Frankel Splits From Another Boyfriend

Kim, Kourtney and Khloe reached that decision after visiting their New York location on Sunday’s Keeping Up With the Kardashians premiere. But what they are not telling you is that they are in trouble – fans are NO longer buying all the crap they are selling.

“Something has happened. Once they could sell the fans anything, but now there are no long lines,” sources tell NAUGHTY GOSSIP. “Kim has even disappeared from magazine covers. The fans are just sick of being taken advantage of. It is all coming to an end.”

According to the brand’s official website, DASH New York is no longer in business, although their other locations in Los Angeles and Miami still have their doors open for the time being.

News of the store shutting down first broke back in December when a moving truck was spotted outside the SoHo location in Manhattan.

‘We put so much blood, sweat and tears into this,’ Kim admitted. ‘At the end of the day it makes sense to close New York because it’s so expensive… but keep Miami.’

Bethenny Frankel Splits From Another Boyfriend: “She’s Too Mean To Keep A Man

Bethenny Frankel was pictured out on Sunday, the day before her ex-husband appeared in court accused of harassing her. The Skinnygirl founder is single AGAIN after revealing earlier this year that she’s keeping her options open and not serious with beau Dennis Shields.

“She cannot keep a man because she is so mean. She has no one in her life for more than a couple of years. She is even at war with her mother. She cannot love atone but herself,” sources tell NAUGHTY GOSSIP. “She might be rich, but she will always be alone if she doesn’t stop being such a nasty bitch. This girl would eat her own to make more money. That is the only thing she has ever cared about.”

On Monday Frankel’s ex husband Jason Hoppy appeared in a Manhattan courtroom to face charges of harassment and stalking the star.

Frankel filed a police report on January 17 alleging that Hoppy, 45, rushed her and her boyfriend at the time, Dennis, outside the school her daughter Brynn attends and threatened to ‘destroy’ her.

He is charged with aggravated harassment in the second degree and stalking in the fourth degree for contacting the ‘female victim numerous times via email and Facetime’ as well as approaching her and ‘making verbal threats.’

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Jeff Sessions And Marijuana: The Only Thing You Need To Know


Just about whenever Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks, the cannabis industry panics. Stop it, people!

Last week, Jeff Sessions gave an interview where he was asked about possibly using the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act to tackle legal marijuana. The media (the cannabis media in particular) have covered that interview as though it sets forth a road map for federal cannabis policy. And since that interview, probably every single cannabis lawyer at my law firm (in California, Washington and Oregon) has received at least one client call seeking an opinion on it.

Stop it everyone. Just stop it. Really. Sessions didn’t do anything in this interview but muse about a seldom-used federal statute.

In this interview, Sessions hinted that he might be open to using RICO to pursue cannabis businesses in cannabis legal states:

INTERVIEWER: One RICO prosecution against one marijuana retailer in one state that has so-called legalization ends this façade and this flaunting of the Supremacy Clause. Will you be bringing such a case?

SESSIONS: We will, marijuana is against federal law, and that applies in states where they may have repealed their own anti-marijuana laws. So yes, we will enforce law in an appropriate way nationwide. It’s not possible for the federal government, of course, to take over everything the local police used to do in a state that’s legalized it. And I’m not in favor of legalization of marijuana. I think it’s a more dangerous drug than a lot of people realize. I don’t think we’re going to be a better community if marijuana is sold in every corner grocery store.

Of course he might be open to using RICO to pursue federal criminal law violations by cannabis businesses. I actually do not believe Attorney Generals Holder and Lynch, who were the Attorney Generals during the Obama Administration) would have answered this question substantively much differently. You are not going to get an Attorney General to say, “yes, we have this really important law on the books, but nobody worry because we will never enforce it. Just go ahead and violate it.” Really?

And if you listen to the entire interview here, you will hear Sessions poo-poo the benefits of bringing a RICO action against state-legal cannabis businesses:

INTERVIEWER: [I]t would literally take one racketeering influence corrupt organization prosecution to take all the money from one retailer, and the message would be sent. I mean, if you want to send that message, you can send it. Do you think you’re going to send it?

SESSIONS: Well, we’ll be evaluating how we want to handle that. I think it’s a little more complicated than one RICO case, I’ve got to tell you. This — places like Colorado — it’s just sprung up a lot of different independent entities that are moving marijuana. And it’s also being moved interstate, not just in the home state.

RICO was designed to pursue the mafia and other organized crime groups. RICO provides powerful criminal and civil penalties against people who engage in a “pattern of racketeering activity” and have a relationship to an “enterprise.” “Racketeering activity” includes roughly a hundred different offenses, including violations of the Controlled Substances Act. A “pattern” is established when an offense occurs more than one time in a given statutorily defined time period. An “enterprise” includes any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any group of individuals associated together even if they are not in a formal business relationship.

The broad interpretation of “enterprise” means that on a technical legal basis, RICO could pose a significant risk to cannabis businesses. The production and sale of cannabis is prohibited by the CSA and, therefore, regular sales of cannabis could serve as the predicate offense for a RICO charge and all those involved with legal cannabis sales, including vendors, contractors, landlords, lawyers, accountants, and even state officials could arguably be in an enterprise engaging in illegal activity.

But nobody should panic about this, not even close. RICO is a powerful but seldom used tool and that is because both prosecutors and judges view it as a very powerful weapon that should only be used in limited circumstances. The RICO statute has been around since 1970 and I cannot recall a single cannabis case having been brought under it. I am not saying there has never been such a case, but I am saying that it has been used sparingly in dealing with cannabis, if at all, including during Nixon’s “War on Drugs” and Reagan’s “Just Say No” administrations. In this same interview Sessions noted that the federal government has limited resources and it cannot simply commandeer local police forces to pursue RICO charges against cannabis users. RICO cases take a massive amount of effort to prosecute criminally and apparently not even Jeff (“good people don’t smoke cannabis“) Sessions deems this would be money and time well spent.

It also bears mentioning that a few years ago, some private citizens brought RICO claims against marijuana businesses and non-cannabis businesses alleged to have been operating in concert to sell cannabis. As we wrote here, the federal court dismissed those claims.

There is though one important thing cannabis businesses should take from this interview. Sessions is concerned about cannabis businesses that move marijuana from state to state. Note how he brings this up when he says: “it’s also being moved interstate, not just in the home state.” This IS important. The states are mostly in charge of prosecuting criminal activities that happen entirely within their own state borders. A robber in Portland or Seattle or San Francisco will almost certainly be prosecuted by state-city prosecutors; but a robber who brings stolen goods from Seattle to San Francisco could very well be prosecuted federally. The same has always been true of illegal drugs, including cannabis. If you are caught with weed in Newton, Iowa, you risk city or state prosecution. But if you are caught transporting cannabis from Iowa to Illinois, you risk federal prosecution.

So if you want to panic based on this Jeff Sessions interview, you should if you are planning to transport cannabis across state lines. The federal government has never liked interstate cannabis transport and it has always made this clear, as have we, in the following posts:

In Marijuana Law Myths. Not Everything Changes With Legalization, in Myth #2, we explain why it is so dangerous to fall for the myth that you can legally transport cannabis from one legal state to another and why this myth is so dangerous:

2. Now that marijuana is legal in Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, it is legal to sell Washington-grown marijuana in all three states. We hear this one ALL the time, mostly from marijuana businesses that intend to do this, believing it to be legal. It isn’t and please, please do not do this, unless you want to go to federal prison. The same holds true for Washington D.C., where marijuana was just legalized. You cannot just take your “legal” marijuana there and start selling it.

Taking legal pot across ANY state borders by boat or by car or by air is a big deal as it amounts to unlawful interstate drug trafficking.

More importantly, taking marijuana from one marijuana legal state to another is a federal crime. Marijuana is still a Schedule I Controlled Substance. The U.S. Constitution gives the federal government the authority to regulate interstate commerce. This means that it can (and does) prosecute people for transporting marijuana across state lines, even if the transport is from one marijuana legal state jurisdiction to another.

We are not saying that you should expect FBI agents to be sitting at the borders waiting to arrest people for going from one state to another with marijuana, but this is to say that traveling from state to state with marijuana is not advised, particularly by boat or by airplane. More importantly, a business plan that assumes this is legal is a business plan that will set you up to fail, especially if you publicly reveal that your business does this.

This is also a good time to remind you that if you are going to drive from state to state, clear out your cars, your boats, your airplanes, your clothes and your luggage before going from a cannabis legal state to one that is not. State troopers in states like Nebraska, Kansas, and Idaho (and even Nevada where cannabis is legal for medical us but not recreational) love making easy money by arresting and fining people entering with marijuana from Colorado and Washington.

Transporting a Schedule I Controlled Substance, including marijuana, across any state line is a federal felony. This is the case even if your medical marijuana patient card is honored in the next state over, and even if you are moving between jurisdictions that have legalized recreational marijuana. Keep and consume your cannabis in the state where you purchased it, or you run the risk of federal criminal charges for transporting a controlled substance.

So yeah, moving cannabis across state lines (yes, even from one cannabis legal state to another) is a really bad idea.

Oh, and one more thing, many (even some in the cannabis industry) are acting as though one RICO case would do what this interviewer says and “send the message” to all those in the cannabis industry to terminate all their employees and shut down their state-legal cannabis businesses. In other words, many are acting as though one RICO claim would be “lights out” for legalized cannabis all across the country.

This is absurd. The federal government has been trying to shut down cannabis for more than one hundred years, and for much of that time, it had overwhelming popular support for doing so. Today though, the majority of Americans favor legalization and those numbers keep getting better. Were the federal government to pursue “just one” RICO claim, it would likely be against a really large cannabis business that transported cannabis across state lines and I do not believe such a lawsuit would lead to a single state-legal cannabis business shutting down. If anything, it would be more likely to galvanize our country to legalize cannabis once and for all.

So please, nobody panic.

Daniel Shortt is an attorney at Harris Bricken, a law firm with lawyers in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Barcelona, and Beijing. This story was originally published on the Canna Law Blog


Watch: College Kid Proves He’s Sober By Juggling For Cops

Sometimes you really were doing nothing, officer. That’s what one University of Central Arkansas student told the police when they pulled him over, citing a broken taillight and suspicious driving, possibly under the influence.

To prove his sobriety, Blayk Pucket did what any reasonable human would in this situation: he started juggling. No, that’s right. Turns out Pucket is a magician and if you read his license plate closely in the video below, it reads, “JUGGLER.”

Quickly the policemen realized that Pucket wasn’t drunk, but they all laughed along as he juggled. One officer even took Pucket’s phone and recorded a video for him.

So we’ve learned two things here today: a) those magic lessons were worth it, mom and dad and b) as Pucket wrote in his Facebook caption, there’s a new sobriety test in town.

Starbucks Introduces Barrel-Aged Coffee; Canned ‘Hard’ Coffee Hits Shelves


You know it’s time for a trend to go out to pasture when Starbucks grabs onto it. Recently, the company introduced nitro-brew, followed by a spiked beer drink. Now, it’s whiskey barrel-aged beans.

As of Monday, the Seattle Reserve Roastery is using barrels from nearby Woodinville Whiskey to infuse Sulawesi (Indonesian) beans, which are being showcased in two drinks: a cold brew flavored with vanilla syrup, and a hot Con Crema pour-over with barrel-aged vanilla syrup, topped with cascara sugar and foam. The beans are also available retail.

Right now, the barrel-aged beans are available exclusively at the Seattle roastery for a limited time.

Meanwhile, in the midwest…Minnesota and Wisconsin will be the first to get their hands on a new alcohol-infused canned coffee from Bad Larry’s.

Bad Larry’s has teamed up with St. Paul’s Blackeye Roasting company to produce a “hard” coffee that contains 180 mg of caffeine, sugar and grain alcohol (6% ABV).

Daily Coffee News reports the cold brew portion of the drink is “composed of a Brazilian blend that is roasted to a medium profile to accentuate smoothness and nuttiness,” and that “the beverage is not carbonated or nitrogenated, but it is packaged with liquid nitrogen” and has a “brandy-like aroma.”

Bad Larry’s Cold Hard Coffee begins distribution in May.

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Dairy Queen Is Giving Away Free Ice Cream To Celebrate The First Day Of Spring


Because somehow spring has become synonymous with ice cream giveaways, Dairy Queen is shelling out free soft serve on March 20 in honor of spring’s arrival.

For the third consecutive year, Dairy Queen locations nationwide will be giving away a free small ice cream cone (if you ask nicely, perhaps they’ll dip it for you?), while collecting donations for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

Over the past 32 years, DQ has raised more than $120 million for CMNH. Last year, they raised more than $200,000 in a single day.

Ben & Jerry’s announced recently that they’ll be giving away free cones on April 4. And Haagen-Dazs should be announcing their free cone day any moment now (last year it was May 10).

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SXSW: Get An Inside Look At AMC’s Los Pollos Hermanos Pop-Up Shop

What happens when TV and reality collide? Something like AMC’s Los Pollos Hermanos pop-up shop at SXSW happens. The chain of stores is, of course, owned by Gus Fring in the Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul shared universe. Fring (aka Giancarlo Esposito) is set to make an appearance in Better Call Saul and both Esposito and Bob Odenkirk, who plays  Saul Goodman, were there to meet and greet fans.

The store was fully functioning, staffed and serving curly fries and other goodies. AMC producers tell The Fresh Toast it was Esposito’s idea to run late night commercials for the store in local markets, though there isn’t any plan to bring Los Pollos Hermanos into reality full time.

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Marijuana Recipe: Cannabis-Infused French Toast

Those lazy mornings (or afternoons) when you not only have time to make a special breakfast, but have someone or two to eat it with are the best. French toast is always an excellent way to clear out the fridge before a trip or busy week: stale bread gets torn up and turned into daytime desserts, eggs get used up before their date, everyone is happy.

There’s really so many ways to add cannabis into this recipe. The egg mixture usually has some butter or milk, which is fat soluble and a good base for weed butter. It would be easy to use water-based glycerin tinctures, or if you’re trying the extra intoxicating version, a rum tincture. You could even mix tincture or extract with maple syrup if you don’t feel like mixing into the batter.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Recipes like this one allow you to get creative, it’s very flexible from the vehicle of THC delivery to the spices you like to use. What’s more fun, you can even use pretty much any baked good to put it together, including croissants, donuts, muffins, bagels, and cake, maybe those are also baked and now you have a french toast inception.

Mix and match, and you’ll delight everyone who tries it.

Customizable French Toast Casserole

Danielle Guercio 2013

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Yield 12 pieces

THC per serving- Butter: 7.2mg per piece; Tincture: 14.5mg

  • 6 eggs
  • ½ cup milk
  • 6-10 slices of bread or baked items
  • 2 Tbsp butter*
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup*
  • 2 Tbsp rum* (Optional)

Spice Blend:

  • ¼ tsp ginger powder
  • ½ tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon powder
  • ½ tsp allspice powder
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp clove powder
  • ½ tsp five spice powder
  • ¼ tsp cardamom powder
  • ¼ tsp almond extract
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Butter and maple syrup for serving*
Photos by Danielle Guercio

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Tear bread into medium sized chunks, collecting in a bowl so you don’t lose the extra crumbs and bits.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Beat eggs and then add milk, spices, melted butter, whip until aerated and fluffy. Pour over bread and mix well. You can add another beaten egg if you think your dough is too dry.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Stuff into a well greased casserole dish and bake at 350 for 20 minutes, uncovered. If a toothpick comes out clean, you’re good to go, if not, bake for another 5 minutes at a time until it’s done.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Cool for 5 minutes before cutting if you want it to be extra pretty, dig in if you’re starving. Top with maple syrup and more butter.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

*Cannabis Glycerin Tincture or Butter

In an oven safe container double sealed with foil, decarboxylate 3.5 grams finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

Put cannabis in a mason jar or vacuum sealed bag, pour over 2 oz vegetable glycerin, high proof alcohol, or one stick of butter and seal tightly. Place in a water bath at just under boiling for 1 hour. Strain and keep contents in a sterilized container. Stores in freezer, 6 months for butter, indefinitely for glycerin and alcohol.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

This recipe has one more awesome caveat, if you’re not a morning person, make the night before in the casserole dish and just pop in the oven. It’s really something special if you make to my specs, but you can get so creative and personal.

Try adding nuts, topping with fruit, mixing in bananas or even using banana bread as a base, it’s all going to be amazing. Best of all, the flexibility of where you add the weed means you can be more on-the-fly and use up something you have on hand.

Photos: Danielle Guercio

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