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Are Investors Still Bullish On Marijuana With Trump In Office?


Investing in the marijuana industry has always been a risky proposition fraught with uncertainty. In the past five years or so, savvy investors have provided the nascent sector with a cash infusion in hopes seeing a healthy return on their investment. But what about now under the Trump administration? Are investors still Bullish on marijuana with Trump in office?

It depends on who you ask. From a pure financial view, not a lot has changed since Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president. But politically, the picture has become blurred.

Last month, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that he expects states to be subject to “greater enforcement” of federal laws against marijuana use. Although the statement was vague and seemingly void of policy, it had a chilling effect throughout the industry.

“While the cannabis industry has been anxious to gain more clarity into how President Trump’s Administration is going to treat the legal cannabis market in the U.S., it has also provided the opportunity for rigorous debate on the issue,” said Giadha Aguirre de Carcer, the CEO of New Frontier Data, a data analytics firm.

Legal adult use of marijuana has a legal foothold from coast-to-coast, and American attitudes toward legalization is growing stronger than ever before. The legal market in the U.S. generated about $6.7 billion last year. Some experts forecast that the market will skyrocket to $21 billion in four years.

A recent Quinnipiac poll revealed that 93 percent of Americans support legalizing marijuana for medical purposes; 59 percent favor full legalization for adults.

But popularity does not make for sound investment strategy. Serious investors seek clarity — something not found in the cannabis industry. And marijuana businesses must deal with issues that no other sector has. Most cannabis businesses have limited access to banking services, such as a checking account or line of credit. Marijuana remains federally illegal and banks must follow federal laws. Marijuana businesses are also unable to take normal tax deductions.

Despite the hardships and not-so-friendly laws, smart investors are still investing. Here are a few things to consider if you are weighing whether to invest in cannabis or not:

1. Knowledge Is Power

Just like any other sector, you need to do your homework. And unlike any other sector, the marijuana industry is more complex.

“From an investment perspective, the federal ban actually creates significant opportunities since it limits options for traditional financing,” according to Chris Ganan, Chief Strategy Officer at MedMen, a leading cannabis investment firm. “Given the large addressable market and the general lack of liquidity, much has been written about the ‘Green Rush.’ It is easy to get caught up in the novelty of it all. But here’s a newsflash; the cannabis industry is governed by the same fundamentals that govern every other industry.

“Knowledge is still power, and it boils down to evaluating and mitigating risk,” Ganan added. “The regulatory environment is highly fragmented and rapidly evolving. Understanding the various layers is key for investors to achieve outsized, risk adjusted returns.”

2. Read The Financial Reports

Check out the stock filings on the Securities Exchange Commission site or other exchange sites. Make sure to take a hard look at the revenue figures. Is there money being deposited regularly? From where?

Just like the tech boom (and bust) in the late 1990s, there are a lot of businesses out there with fancy presentations but no income. Don’t be duped by flashy promises. Perform your due diligence and focus on the financials.

Be wary of pump and dump schemes. If you see a company getting a lot of ink on investment sites, double down on your homework. There are a lot of instances where a company will pay for promotion to drive small bumps in the stock price. The insiders will benefit and you’ll be left holding a worthless penny stock.

3. Look For Established Companies

There are a few large companies that are in play in the cannabis sector.

  • GW Pharmaceuticals is the maker of the experimental drug Epidiolex, which treats epilepsy. According to the company, there are about 470,000 children with epilepsy in the U.S. and about one-third of them will benefit from the drug.
  • Scotts Miracle-Gro has been busy acquiring hydroponics companies in the U.S. Fertilizers, topsoil and other agricultural products are also needed in the fast-growing marijuana business.
  • Insys Therapeutics is the maker of a drug that treats chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. The THC-based drug Syndros was approved by the FDA last year.  
  • Corbus Pharmaceuticals makes Resunab, an experimental anti-inflammatory drug. The drug is still undergoing clinical trials, but it shows promise.

NOTE: These are suggested companies, not recommendations. Please read tips #1 and #2 before investing.

4. Picks And Shovels

This old expression was derived from the California gold rush, where many of those who profited did so by selling the miners picks, shovels and other equipment needed for gold mining. It wasn’t gold that got them rich, it was the ancillary businesses.

In the cannabis industry, there are a lot of businesses out there that may be worth investing in that do not have much to do with the plant. Scotts Miracle-Gro would be an example. Other emerging sub-categories are lighting, agricultural equipment, insurance companies, accountants, media outlets, etc.

5. Final Thoughts

Yes, investing in cannabis is trickier than most sectors. The new administration’s lack of clarity is a cause for concern, but the uncertainty is not new.

If you follow basic investment principles and perform extra due diligence, you may do well.

5 Fantastic Ways To Exercise In Water This Summer

We all know ways to exercise on land. You can jog, lift weights, do push-ups, speed walk, etc. But what can you do to stay fit on or in the water? With a little bit of safety and equipment, there’s a huge variety of aquatic workouts you can do. Read on to find out our five favorites.

Row A Canoe

Garden State Hiker/Flickr

Nothing better than a nice ride in a canoe on a lake or river. You can really get into it for a solid cardio workout or you leisurely float along, paddling only enough to keep you on course. Just make sure you’re wearing a life jacket.

Paddle That Board

Trey Perry/Flickr

If you live near a tranquil lake or a stretch of relatively-smooth ocean, check out paddle boarding. It’s easier than it looks, and is a great workout for your arms, back, and core.

Pool Basketball

Sam Szapucki/Flickr

Have access to a pool? Get one of those mini-basketball hoops and set it up next to the pool. No matter how good of shape you’re in or how often you hoop on land, we assure you you’ll be wiped after 20 minutes or so of intense play.

Swim Laps

Newtown Grafitti/Flickr

A boring and obvious choice, but an effective one: Few exercises work as many muscle groups at once and few are as easy on your body and low-risk for injury as swimming laps.


Tiago J. G. Fernandes/Flickr

If paddle boarding is too lame or slow for you, consider surfing. It’s a difficult sport to pick up as an adult but by most accounts it’s extremely rewarding. There’s tremendous benefit to your body—your arms and core will benefit the most—but there’s also an almost spiritual element involved that is really what hooked most diehard surfers.

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Jennifer Lopez Coyly Confirms That Her Love Affair With Drake Was A Publicity Stunt

During an interview with “The Daily Show’s” Trevor Noah Jennifer Lopez came face-to-face with the question, and her response was…telling.

After some lighthearted ribbing about how she didn’t know how much it cost to ride the subway anymore, Trevor got down to the burning question at hand, telling her he had something very tough to ask her.

“Genuinely, did you get with Drake cause you didn’t know me yet?” the host asked JLo, who immediately laughed and started blushing at the same time. “Let me clear this up. I am not with Drake,” she revealed while Trevor let out a giant “Hallelujah” that she’s still available.


Unfortunately that broke her momentum as it looked like she was going to keep spilling about what really went down in their relationship. “Maybe that’s all I need to say,” she added, realizing that she probably just overshared too much information already.

By a show of hands, anyone shocked? Surprised? Is there even the faintest feeling of incredulousness? No. Yeah, us neither.

This post was brought to you by our friends over at Naughty Gossip.

Can You Guess Which Burger Chain Sucks The Most?

Say what you will about the Golden Arches, that beacon of hope for many people who are desperate for want a quick bite. While it’s become an iconic symbol of fast-food, McDonald’s actually ranks last when it comes to quality. It is the burger chain that sucks the most.

And you know who we can credit for that fall from grace? Millennials.

Back in November, the Wall Street Journal found that only 1 in 5 millennials has even ever tried a Big Mac, preferring more gourmet burgers (read as: Instagramable) from competing chains, like In-N-Out and Shake Shack.

Fast forward to today.

Restaurant Brands International asked 1,000 people to rank the quality of burger and sandwich chains. In-N-Out Burger tops the list, followed by Chick-fil-A, Culver’s and White Castle. Sonic comes in ninth, followed by Jack in the Box, Burger King and…McDonald’s.

McDonald’s recently announced they’d be focusing their attention on sustainable beef (last year it was cage-free eggs), as well as beefing up their app with mobile ordering. They’re also expanding table service and adding digital kiosks.

Taking a page from the same handbook, number seven-ranked Wendy’s announced last week that they’ll also be rolling out self-serve kiosks to cut down on wait-times, as well as the dreaded personal interaction, in hopes of gaining more of a foothold in the burger chain power climb.

McDonald’s says they plan to upgrade 2,500 of their restaurants by the end of the year and revamp a majority of the country’s 14,000 locations by 2020.

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Do You Live In One? Here Are The 5 Healthiest Towns In The USA

In today’s America it seems that everything is bad for you. From detergents to diets, making health conscious decisions can feel like an overwhelming burden. Unreliable sources and false advertising have left many Americans seeking spaces where healthy living is not an impossible chore, but a respected standard. Communities across the country have been changing the local landscape to reflect a health-first model. In these special towns, getting healthy doesn’t mean emptying your wallet for specialists and overpriced trainers. It means great access to healthcare, insurance, and a general consensus that being and feeling healthy will lead to a better quality of life. Here are the 5 healthiest towns in the USA.



In an annual study put together by MONEY, they gather nation-wide data to decipher which towns in America are the healthiest to live in. According to their study, they use variables like “the number of doctors and hospitals within a 30-mile radius of a community, along with the percentage of the population covered by health insurance. We also considered the most basic factors: the number of residents who report that they feel healthy.”

Here we take a look at the five healthiest recorded towns in 2016, according to MONEY.

Quincy, Massachusetts

If you’re seeking healthier pasture, can count on Quincy. The Old County state residents have the fewest diabetes-related deaths nationwide.

Woodbury, Minnesota

There must be something in the water in Woodbury because these healthy Minnesotans have the lowest rate of heart disease nationally. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that “about 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.”

Greenwich, Connecticut

Bougie is not always bad, especially when it comes with the third highest health rating in the nation. This town ranks highly due to the high number of hospitals and doctors with an average of 500 beds available at any given time within 15 miles.


Koolaupoko , Hawaii

Tired of hearing that everything causes cancer? Perhaps it is time to pack your bags and head to Koolaupoko, a breezy Hawaiian town with the lowest cancer deaths in the country.

Highlands Ranch, Colorado

A planned community 15-miles south of Denver has come out on top as the healthiest place to live in the entire United States. Why, you wonder? Highlands Ranch residents have the lowest adult obesity rate in the country.  Together, health, obesity and overweight issues are the second leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States, close behind tobacco use, according to Health Statistics Center.


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‘Logan’ Has The Chance To Revolutionize The Superhero Movie Genre

Mostly I still can’t believe the biggest, surefire cash cow in Hollywood are kids’ products. If you want to make money in movies, superheroes and animation remain the most viable options. Any concept of old-school stardom is dead. Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Meryl Streep can’t deliver box office smashes on their own anymore. The biggest, most bankable star in a Hollywood executive’s green eyes today is…Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, a bulging medicine ball of charisma and commitment to playing the marketing game; he’s a brand manager’s PR dreamboat.

So it’s barely eyebrow-raising that Johnson, too, has been sucked into the superhero apparatus via Shazam villain Black Adam. Assuming a comic book movie role is Hollywood’s newest rite of passage; a better game to play is which actors haven’t donned a cape at this point.

But it did not begin this way. Comic book movies were experiments and it started with X-Men and Hugh Jackman, an unknown Australian thespian cast three weeks into filming and who reportedly earned the role on Russell Crowe’s recommendation. It was pretty thrilling, definitely campy (those chops…), and a financial boon. It effectively altered Hollywood’s foundation, though that’s only realized in retrospect.

Still: That it would end up here, with the ultra violent and emotionally brutal Logan, is astounding. It’s already being regarded as one of the best superhero movies of all time, and those opinions aren’t wrong. It’s also a very atypical comic book film, at least how we’ve been conditioned to receive them. This isn’t an installment of a larger canvas, there is no post-credits sequence, no thrown-in romantic interest.

Perhaps, Logan is better described as a Western (the retired, cynical gunslinger pulled in one last time) or a wacky road trip movie (Dafne Keen’s Laura wearing those pink, flower-spotted shades is such a fabulous touch) or possibly a mid-budget family drama (a son saying goodbye to his mentally ill father, a father finding he has a daughter and faith in humans/mutants again). The action is vicious, reminding you of harsh War-is-Hell films like Platoon or Full Metal Jacket. Each kill is anti-glorious; you can almost feel Logan’s and Laura’s claws ripping into and away the human flesh as if it were your own. When Laura tosses a human head she’s severed into a crowd of baddies, it isn’t played as a joke or cocky achievement—it’s a warning shot to the audience this cute, little girl is a savage beast grown apathetic to murder. This is not Legolas and Gimli from Lord of the Rings competing for kill counts.

Death is very much on the mind of Logan: what it means to face and inflict that fact of life. Its characters wear death’s haunting presence on their faces either as an approaching inevitability (Charles) or tormented memory (Logan and Laura who’s mute for the first half of the film). Allow me to remind you something: This is absolutely bonkers! So often comic book movies treat mass murder as a plot device without ever dealing with the pathological impact on its characters or environment. Whole cities are routinely wiped away in those Avengers flicks and even Christopher Nolan’s moody, gritty Batman trilogy leveled football stadiums and hospitals without considered thought.

Logan is expressly made for adult audiences. Its often-referenced R-rating only underscores that fact; as seen by Deadpool, an R-rating doesn’t always indicate mature, savage intentions. My stepmother believes it’s the dumbest movie she’s ever seen—which, she has a point, though that’s part of Deadpool’s appeal. Meanwhile I watched Deadpool with my cousin and his friends, all several years younger than me this past summer, as one of them owned it on DVD and half of them could recite all the punchlines. My point: Deadpool is a movie made for teenagers.

That’s why, as sarcastically fun and commercially successful as Deadpool was, it can’t be considered a gamechanger. While it tried playing itself as a satirical farce on the genre, Deadpool really just delivered a left-field variation of the comic book movie formula: First chapter of a larger franchise (check), tongue-in-cheek post-credits scene setting up the sequel (yep), death as a punchline (lol), and a paper-thin love story (<3). And so on. Simon Kinberg, often regarded as the X-Men films architect, might disagree, as he told Deadline that Deadpool “was a love story at the core.” My response: kindly gtfoh. That quote goes to show you even talented craftsmen can spew hot garbage from time to time.

But Logan has the potential to truly revolutionize the genre. Critically and commercially it’s a smash. What’s more: This is one of those rare cultural moments where everyone simultaneously agrees something was great. Numerous friends have commented how hungry they were for an edgy, realistic superhero film of this caliber. That sentiment matches the ongoing conversation online surrounding Logan, though I don’t think it goes far enough. Logan isn’t really a great superhero movie; it’s a great movie that just happens to include superheroes.

All comic book movies grapples with similar themes albeit in various ways: good vs. evil, the burden and isolation of enormous talent, what drives humans to wear the masks we do. Some of that’s in Logan as it’s kind of unavoidable, but Logan more features characters struggling with the tragedy and challenges life throws everyone’s way. It’s the first X-Men movie to showcase what comic book readers have always known: These mutants are a makeshift family of misfits and rejects and outcasts just trying to get by. Getting through life can be really, really hard and without each other, they couldn’t do it. In between all that, they fight the bad guys.

Last year I described Fox, with the exception of Deadpool, as “a studio possessing a bunch of rickety vehicles with no one to currently drive them.” The implication was clear—no one wanted to drive the tired X-Men properties. This couldn’t be more wrong now. As Kinberg said in that same Deadline interview: “The success of Deadpool and Logan have bolstered our confidence to make edgy, more daring, provocative bold movies that audiences will embrace. More than that, we feel a responsibility to make bold and provocative movies. […]For us it’s a way to excite filmmakers and our actors because they can play a really broad spectrum of colors that not all event tentpoles can do.”

The audience was always there but now the avenue there should be clear. Adults want adult movies, even when the characters are based on a childish flavor. Genuine, self-contained dramas within superhero flicks, like Logan, should be an option moving forward. Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther so far appears like it might follow in this trend. So it’s very possible that Hugh Jackman could be saying goodbye to Wolverine in the same fashion as when he first unsheathed those claws—by quietly turning the movie industry on its head once again.

Wilmington, Ohio Is About To Get A Giant Marijuana Grow Operation

According to a report from the Dayton Daily News, Jimmy Gould and Ian James, the masterminds behind a 2015 rec proposal, are seeking to create a giant marijuana grow operation in the state of Ohio and applying for one of the 12 large cultivation licenses allowed under law.

Doing business as CannaAscend Ohio, the two entrepreneurs, intend to set up operations in the small town of Wilmington, which is located in between Cincinnati and Columbus.

“This has been a long journey, but a satisfying one because we’ve always kept our eye on legalizing medical cannabis for chronically-ill Ohioans — our returning veterans suffering from PTSD, children with epilepsy, those suffering from Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s and the many others suffering from debilitating illnesses,” Gould said in a statement.

CannaAscend Ohio is pushing to build a 25,000-square foot grow operation on a little over 19 acres in Clinton County. However, the development deal will only go through if the company is awarded a license.

If all goes according to plan, the facility would later push the limits of the law by moving ahead with an expansion effort that would create a 75,000-square foot facility.

A press release indicates the total operation could cost $45 million.

For now, state regulators are still trying to hash out all of the details for how marijuana will be grown throughout the state. These details are expected to be published sometime at the beginning of May. Once this happens, the state will begin accepting applications from wannabe cultivators, all of which will be required to put plants in the ground within nine months after approval.

Wilmington has its fingers crossed.

The town has struggled to regain its economic stability after the closing of DHL, reports That job situation there became even more hopeless after Amazon decided against using the area to expand its operations. It is for this reason that CannaAscend has the full support of local officials. The proposed cultivation site would create around 220 new jobs.

“The resulting jobs and potential for greater research opportunities offers important prospects for partnerships with area colleges that have a focus on agriculture science, chemistry and biology,” Wilmington Mayor John Stanforth said a statement.

Ohio’s medical marijuana program will allow people with 20 conditions to participate with a recommendation from a doctor. The industry will bring to market a variety of cannabis products, with the exception of flower. Smoking marijuana, even for medicinal purposes, is still prohibited under state law.

Fitness Alert! Pickle Juice = Perfect Summer Bod

Pickle juice, pickle juice, pickle juice! Luckily when you say this three times no one appears but let me tell you something. Drink this three times a day and you will be on your way to fitness perfection. Growing up, my father was a competitive body builder and to this day he pushes me to drink pickle juice. Why might you ask? Let’s break down the benefits pickle juice has to offer and why you need to be adding this secret sauce to your diet!


Electrolytes, Recovery, And Cramps

Popular workout drinks such as Gatorade and Redbull are full of sugar.  Sugar, add this to your cuss word dictionary. What your body really needs is electrolytes and there is no better delivery system than pickle juice. Sodium is necessary in the restoring of electrolytes. The calcium chloride and vinegar in pickle juice deliver the sodium to your body quicker than anything else you could digest. Your body needs electrolytes to survive. Electrolytes are a crucial part of fitness.

What is the purpose of electrolytes? Electrolytes regulate the body’s nerve and muscle function, our body’s hydration, blood pressure, blood pH, and the rebuilding of all damaged tissue. The moral of the story is that drinking pickle juice will prevent cramping, help muscles recover faster, protect muscles from injury and keep you stronger in the gym. (Sorry if I got a little scientific there).



Pickle juice is packed with antioxidants, electrolytes (stated above), Vitamin C, and calcium. What makes pickle juice so different is that it delivers all these necessary things to your body most efficiently. On top on top of everything, your stomach loves pickle juice! The vinegar in pickle juice is great for your digestive system. It promotes the growth of healthy of bacteria in your stomach and helps maintain that balance. Just be sure to have something to eat with your pickle juice. It is hard on an empty stomach. Trust me.

When To Sip The Juice

Pickle juice is recommended to be taken as a pre-workout and post-workout. I also advise drinking pickle juice with dinner. The serving size recommend is about three tablespoons. Note, you do not want to drink too much pickle juice! There is too much sodium in pickle juice to be consumed like other sports drinks.

Final Thought/ Wrap-up


Adding pickle juice to your diet will allow you to obtain that summer body by getting you to the gym more often and working longer, harder, and stronger. So don’t leave yourself in a pickle this summer when it comes to that bod and start sipping the pickle, juice.

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David Letterman Really, Really Wants To Interview Donald Trump

David Letterman always had a lot to say. Known for his cantankerous spirit and matching wit, the former Late Show went toe to toe with Tonight Show host Jay Leno in the “Late Night Wars” for decades. Then, two years ago, Letterman passed the torch to Stephen Colbert and grew a magnificent Santa Claus beard.

Seriously, just look at that facial hair.

David Letterman always had a lot to say about late night TV, and now he says he really, really wants to interview Donald Trump.

Anyways, it turns out Letterman still has a lot to say. New York Magazine recently sat down with Letterman and conducted a sprawling, fascinating interview that covered Donald Trump (of course) and the postmodern existential terror of buying shoelaces (what).

Here are some of the highlights.

Letterman Really, Really Wants To Interview Trump

When asked regarding his dream interview, Letterman admitted Bob Marley in his later, more politically conscious years would be his choice. But when prompted to choose someone living, Letterman selected the man everyone can’t stop talking about.

This is how he’d handle it:

I would just start with a list. “You did this. You did that. Don’t you feel stupid for having done that, Don? And who’s this goon Steve Bannon, and why do you want a white supremacist as one of your advisers? Come on, Don, we both know you’re lying. Now, stop it.” I think I would be in the position to give him a bit of a scolding and he would have to sit there and take it. Yeah, I would like an hour with Donald Trump; an hour and a half.

He Has No Interest In Nostalgia

Letterman has accomplished numerous comedic feats throughout his career, but he responded his proudest moment was employing so many people for 30 years. Even when he’s with former bandleader Paul Shaffer, the two don’t discuss the show.

I don’t have those kinds of memory flashes. Somebody will say, “Remember when so and so happened,” and I’ll say, “Jeez, I sure don’t.” Paul Shaffer and I get together about once a month and have dinner, and nothing about the show ever comes up. Memory lane is closed for repairs.

Letterman And Leno Still Haven’t Talked

Though highly contentious when they were on-air, Letterman and Leno both have softened in their older age. Though no bad blood exists between the two currently, Letterman says the two haven’t talked since he left his Late Show post.

That doesn’t mean they’ll never talk again, says Letterman.

I’m assuming I will bump into him before we die.

Shopping At Designer Shoe Warehouse Sounds Like Hell

Being in the limelight for as many years as Letterman was, it’s easy to assume adjusting to a more typical civilian life isn’t the smoothest transition to make. Letterman recently needed a pair of shoelaces and when visiting a Designer Shoe Warehouse, the experience wasn’t so fun.

So I go over there, and it’s a building the size of the Pentagon. It’s enormous. If you took somebody from—I don’t know, pick a country where they don’t have Designer Shoe Warehouses—blindfolded them and turned them loose in this place, they would just think, You people are insane. Who needs this many shoes? It’s sinful. […] I’m not finding the damn shoelaces, and finally I think, Maybe it’s one of those items they’ve got at the counter. I go up there and I’m nosing around the counter and, by God, there’s shoelaces. This is after about an hour. So now I’m waiting in line and the woman checking people out says in a big loud voice, “May I help our next shoe lover, please?” I just started to tremble. Nobody else seems to have a problem with going to a store! You don’t want to have painted yourself into some elite position where it’s “Bob, go out and get me some shoelaces.” It makes you feel stupid.

Read the full interview here. 

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Wine Coffee Is Now A Thing: Here Are 20 Things We’d Rather See Infused


People love to combine shit with wine. Orange juice, mulling spices, whatever. Yet recently I heard about someone soaking coffee beans in wine, which strikes me as so fantastically stupid that I had to write about it. Wine coffee, here we come.

I love wine. I love coffee. The two should never, ever come together, though that didn’t stop several publications from fawning all over a product that none of them had even tried.

For those who can’t just leave a good thing alone, here are 20 things I’d rather mix with wine besides coffee.

1. Peach puree. Bellinis are delicious.

2. Creme de cassis. You know what’s WAY better than a mimosa? A Kir Royale.

3. Fresh fruit. Sangria is delightful!

4. Grapefruit juice. If you have to have a mimosa, this is the better way to go.

5. Campari.

6. Green Chartreuse.

7. Beer. A Black Velvet is surprisingly delicious!

8. Some other wine, like when you accidentally refill someone’s glass with the wrong bottle.

9. Orange juice. It’s really too sweet, but hey, it works.

10. Apple juice. Never tried it, but seems vaguely tolerable.

11. Lemonade. Seems to work for iced tea.

12. Mulling spices. Hot wine usually sucks, but can sometimes be ok.

13. Water. I mean, it’s what the French do for small children, but it’s still wine.

14. Tea. Hey, at least black tea also has tannins.

15. Literally any liqueur you can imagine.

16. Yes, even Jagermeister.

17. Coca-Cola. They do this in Argentina for some inexplicable reason, and it’s horrifying. Still better than coffee though.

18. Chocolate. If someone hasn’t already tried it, they will soon.

19. The spit bucket at the tasting room, like Miles in Sideways.

20. Red Bull. Just kidding, I’d rather not drink at all.

“Wine-flavored coffee” is like catnip for trend writers. This liquid monstrosity really just amounts to soaking coffee beans in wine, which I highly doubt has any real impact on the flavor. You might not know this, but espresso is typically rather strong. If this leads to Cabernet-Hazelnut Frappucinos, I’m quitting my job and moving to Madagascar.

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