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Should You Use Cannabis Instead Of Ice For Injuries

Ice has long been the friend for an injury or sprain? But maybe you should expand the mindset?

The old go to for a strain or injury is ice or cold compress. Pulling a bag of frozen peas from the fridge is a go to and provides some relief. It’s usually most effective shortly after the injury  This involves an ice pack or ice compress placed on the affected area, designed to reduce inflammation and numb out any pain while reducing swelling. Exposure to the cold has been known to decrease circulation and constrict the blood vessels.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

But maybe you should open your mindset. Should you use cannabis instead of ice for injuries? Or maybe additionally? Cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive component of marijuana, may be more effective (and practical) for treating sprains and injuries. CBD is can be convenient since you can carry topicals for spot treatment as well as oral CBD products for when you have an accident. It also has the added benefit of being free from THC, which is an advantage for athletes.

inflammation chronic pain
Photo by Images

Sports injuries can also happen when running or jumping on hard surfaces, wearing improper shoes, doing the wrong exercise techniques, poor flexibility, old injuries, or doing the same sport all year round among others.  Add in activities like running, skiing, snowboarding and more, you have a recipes for at least one muscle issue.

RELATED: Cannabis And Inflammation — What’s The Connection?

A sprain or injury is a major inconvenience every time it happens. Whether you are an athlete or not, recovery and healing as soon as possible is critical, not to mention painful. Using topical CBD for pain relief and for fighting inflammation is a better option because it activates the endocannabinoid receptors in the affected area to help control stiffness and pain. In addition, CBD interacts with the CB1 and CB2 receptors that can reduce the inflammation and pain caused by irritations and sports injuries.

Photo by Colin Lloyd via Unsplash

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“Sports injuries most often involve either significant inflammation response or mild micro-traumas,” Dr. Andrew Kerklaan of Dr. Kerklaan Therapeutics shared. “Because of CBD’s anti-inflammatory potential, it may be useful in a myriad of symptoms — from mild everyday aches and pains to minor injuries.” He also explains that CBD can help individuals recover from common injuries caused by exercise. “These will all trigger inflammatory responses and therefore CBD may have potential to help in the recovery process,” he says.

There are dozens of studies too, which tout the analgesic benefits of  cananbis and CBD. One study revealed CBD is beneficial for chronic pain while improving inflammation and sleep. In a another published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology, researchers discovered that CBD was effective in treating inflammation, reducing pain, and improving mobility in individuals with multiple sclerosis. “It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiemetic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective,” wrote the study authors.

Topical products act faster than edibles. However, for those in serious pain, tinctures and sublingual drops are recommended since they are the quickest of all consumption methods.

Elvis And Marijuana

He was the king of Rock & Roll, but what about Elvis and marijuana

He changed music and had a huge impact in the industry.  He captured the emotions of a generation and lead the way for the Beatles, Queen, Sting, all the way up to Taylor Swift and Drake. He still holds the record for Most Top 40 hits at 114 total and has sold over one billion records worldwide. Elvis’s music has more than 30 million monthly Spotify listeners. In December, his music climbed to No. 1 on the Rock Streaming Songs Chart with his favorite “Blue Christmas.”

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

But what about Elvis and marijuana? The Musican had a troubled history with drugs, but what about his relationships with cannabis?  Growing up in Tupelo, Mississippi, he was brought up in a faith background. He won three Grammy awards during this lifetime, all for gospel music. His death in 1977 shook the world.  At the time he was bloated, sad, and overusing drugs…but was marijuana in the mix?

Elvis was part of the mainstream culture, but he started the move from strait-laced to a more open mindset. His swinging hips was the first step on the path to sexual freedom and a more robust love of daily life.  But for Elvis it came at a price.  Quickly becoming an icon, he struggled with the fame, the tour, and how his image didn’t always match what he felt as his true self.

He definitely experimented with illicit drugs. Elvis and then wife Priscilla tried LSD together and spent quite a while giggling and looking at Elvis’s fish tank. But they didn’t like the after effects and didn’t try it again. In Alana Nash’s book he consumed marijuana for medicinal purposes after his eye trouble, and also probably smoked it other times. Priscilla shared he occasionally had edibles.

But his true love was legal prescription pills. When he went to the army, he was already addicted to amphetamines and later on opioids and barbiturates were added to help him sleep and come down from the amphetamines.

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Presley, with his music and dancing, represented sexual liberation. He also brought traditionally black music to the mainstream which became a thread in the civil rights movement.  Despite a conservative upbringing, he wound up opening the path for modern thinking.  While he didn’t endorse marijuana, he changed the mindset which also started a change in the way the public, especially the younger set, thought about cannabis.

The Navy Softens Their Stance On Marijuana

With recruitment down, the US Navy is taking a softer approach to marijuana

Their motto used to be “see the world, join the Navy”, but enticing young people to be part of the armed forces have been tough the last few years. Only 23% of young people between 17 and 24 even qualify to join the military. Even fewer have expressed the desire to enlist, officials said.  Also, Gen Z is changing what they want in a career, they would rather see the world on their own terms.  Additionally, Gen Z has a different approach to life regarding drinking and drugs.  They have drifted away from alcohol and embraced marijuana – especially gummies and vaping. They are a key part of the California sober movement.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

In response to changes and to be competitive with every almost every other business/opportunity, it seems the Navy softens their stance on marijuana. The are no longer immediately kicking out recruits who arrive at boot camp at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois, with detectable amounts of marijuana in their system.

Photo by skeeze via Pixabay

The Navy increased drug positives 68% from 3,367 in 2021 to 5,661 in 2022. This increase is due to the rise in THC use (nearly 80% of all positives): including both the delta-8 variant (CBD; testing began in 2021) and the traditional delta-9 variant (cannabis).

Rear Adm. James Waters, director of the Navy’s military personnel plans and policy division made a statement. “The service has expanded the authority to grant waivers for any recruits who initially test positive for THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana.”

“If they fail the test and own up — ‘Yes, I smoke marijuana ‘– we do an evaluation of the young person to make sure there’s not something else going on,” Waters said. “But we trust that through the process of boot camp that we have an opportunity to bring them along with our culture.”

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The Navy maintains a zero tolerance policy for active duty drug use. They state it is based on both federal law and no test can adequately test someone’s fitness for duty based on the amount of THC in their system.

The currently philosophy is THC consumption is not a moral issue (right or wrong). Instead, it  is incompatible with the Navy’s mission to prepare to fight and win anytime, anywhere.

In September of 2022, the Air Force and Space Force announced a new pilot program that would grant certain applicants who test positive for THC, the main psychoactive component in marijuana, a chance to retest and possibly join the ranks.  By December, the Air Force Recruiting Service granted waivers to 43 applicants who tested positive for THC.  This was a larger than expected.

Why Marijuana Smells Skunky

It is the telltale sign someone is having fun. Whether walking down the street or stepping into a crowd, you know exactly what is going on. Marijuana has a distinctive oder to clue you in when fun is going on.  But as cannabis goes mainstream and becomes legal, the smell is increasing fading. Here is why marijuana smells skunky and why is it disappearing.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Smoking weed was the original way to consume.  But today, thanks to data from BDSA, we know most newer and younger partakers use vapes or gummies to enjoy the benefits.  The aroma is less prevalent, but it still as potent. Smoking still produces the smell, but why does some weed reek of skunk or dirty socks and other times it has the aroma of lemons or pine? The answer is terpenes.

Photo by Alina Rosanova/Getty Images

Terpenes are essential oils providing the fragrance in foods and herbs. When you take a whiff of basil, for example, what you are smelling are the terpenes. Cannabis strains also have unique terpenes producing the aroma. Some strains smell lemony (limonene) or spicy (caryophyllene) or floral (linalool) or piney (alpha-pinene).

Terpenes not only provide the smell, they have essential therapeutic benefits, as well. Some of the most prevalent terpenes and their medicinal value:

  • Alpha-pinene (essential pine oil), the most common terpene in the plant world and one often found in cannabis, is a bronchodilator potentially helpful for asthmatics. Pinene also promotes alertness and memory retention by inhibiting the metabolic breakdown of acetylcholinesterase, a neurotransmitter in the brain stimulates these cognitive effects.
  • Myrcene, another terpene present in numerous cannabis varietals, is a sedative, a muscle relaxant, a hypnotic, an analgesic (painkiller) and an anti-inflammatory compound. This musky terpene contributes mightily to the infamous “couch-lock” experience and is the one which gives off the skunky aroma.
  • Limonene, a major terpene in citrus as well as in cannabis, has been used clinically to dissolve gallstones, improve mood and relieve heartburn and gastrointestinal reflux. Limonene, an anticonvulsant, has been shown to destroy breast-cancer cells in lab experiments, and its powerful antimicrobial action can kill pathogenic bacteria.
  • Linalool, a terpenoid prominent in lavender as well as in some cannabis strains, is an anxiolytic compound which counters anxiety and mediates stress. In addition, linalool is a strong anticonvulsant, and it also amplifies serotonin-receptor transmission, conferring an antidepressant effect. Applied topically, linalool can heal acne and skin burns without scarring.

RELATED: How To Be Discreet When Using Weed

  • Beta-caryophyllene is a sesquiterpene found in the essential oils of black pepper, oregano and other edible herbs, as well as in cannabis and many green, leafy vegetables. It is gastro-protective, good for treating certain ulcers, and shows great promise as a therapeutic compound for inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disorders because of its ability to bind directly to the peripheral cannabinoid receptor known as CB2.

And now you know why marijuana smells skunky.

5 Key Things To Know About Cannabis Concentrates

When you are young, you can experiment, but as you age – you want to minimize after effects…we got you when it comes to the next step with marijuana

High school and college were the days of experimenting. Lessons leads to stories about crazy things and some unfortunate times. But as you age and move to a more sophisticated self, it is important to have the knowledge regarding having fun.  Marijuana has become mainstream and some are moving into a connoisseur phase.  This encompasses flavor, impact, and potency.  In this journey, here are 5 key things to know about cannabis concentrates.

It is not for beginners

Concentrates are extremely potent. This is helpful for cannabis enthusiasts who have built up a high tolerance and know how marijuana affects them. However, it can overwhelm people who are still new in consuming.  Don’t rush into the max and until you have gotten your weed legs steady. Dabbing is the way to consume concentrates, and is a bit more of a process.

Concentrates may or may not be better flower

Photo by Darrin Harris Frisby/Drug Policy Alliance

RELATED: Marijuana 101: Dabbing Wax Vs. Vaping Wax

You can have a bit of a longer high

High-Potency Marijuana Doubles Risk Of Anxiety Issues, Study FInds
Photo by Keenan Constance via Pexels

RELATED: Differences In Marijuana Highs: Flowers, Edibles and Concentrates

Similar to smoking/vaping, the effects of dabbing usually last 1 to 3 hours. If using a high THC concentrate, you could feel the effects for 10-12 hours. If you are feeling uncomfortable or worried, the best thing to do is take a nap and sleep it off.

Concentrates are to be respected

Photo by rgbspace/Getty Images

RELATED: Dabbing Is On The Rise Among Teens — Here’s What Parents Should Know 

You can find a ton misinformation surrounding the dabbing process, some reports claim overdoses have been influenced by the recent popularity of concentrates. While there might be an existing relationship, marijuana advocates claim concentrates are safe and produce the same positive results as cannabis flower. Even if you get too high from ingesting the wrong dose, no one has ever died from consuming them.

Concentrates are like other products

marijuana dabbing
Photo by bartystewart/Getty Images

While the process of making concentrates is one involving the use of complex chemicals, facilities are equipped to handle these solvents and are very strict when it comes to how they’re produced. All the information should be clearly stated on the product’s label, and concentrates should be made by professionals who are working responsibly. In short, dangerous concentrates are rarely found in a regulated, legal market.

What Is The Difference Between Marijuana, Hemp And Cannabis

Most use cannabis and marijuana interchangeably, add in hemp and it can be a bit confusing – what is the difference.

Legal cannabis is sweeping the US and EU and is already the law in the land in Canada.  More and more consumers are buying gummies, hemp drinks, and vapes.  California sober has become a thing and Gen Z is drifting away from alcohol and having an affair with marijuana.

While marijuana has been part of culture for years, hemp, CBD, marijuana and cannabis are everyone.  From local dispensaries to, in some states, hemp drinks are popping up in liquor stores.  Even Walmart is home to many hemp products and proudly displays them on the shelves. However, these hemp products are made from cold-pressed seeds, which have great nutritional value but contain no CBD or cannabis. So what is the difference between marijuana, hemp and cannabis.

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“Cannabis” is the botanical term for marijuana. It doesn’t have any legal significance. It simply refers to the cannabis plant. It contains all of the cannabinoids, including CBD, CBN and THC. More specifically, the word refers to the genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. It’s also a term under increasing use, especially since it focuses on the medicinal benefits of the plant.

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“Marijuana” is the term used in legal contexts, and it’s also one associated with the negative connotations and perceptions throughout history. It’s the term appearing in the Controlled Substances Act and refers to the cannabis plant possessing more than 0.3% of THC. This kind of plant is the one remaining illegal on a federal level.

Do CBD Gummies Actually Work

“Hemp” is the easiest term to understand for its simplicity. It refers to the part of the cannabis sativa plant containing less than 0.3% of THC and is legal on a federal level. Hemp is non-intoxicating and the use of it leads to products which doesn’t get people high. So, while hemp is not illegal, marijuana can be depending on your location.

RELATED: How Marijuana Slang Evolved Across States And Generations

Some believe that the term “marijuana” shouldn’t be used since it has a charged history of racism, particularly of Mexican immigrants. Others believe that using the term “cannabis” shies away from THC, and that the compound is nothing to be embarrassed of.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you what you decide to call your weed. When it comes to its legal use, however, “marijuana” is the term that most lawmakers prefer.

Parkinson’s Disease and Medical Marijuana

Michael J Fox brought attention to Parkinson’s at his recent appearance at the BAFTA awards.  But what about Parkinson’s Disease and Medical Marijuana

Parkinson’s disease is one of the worst things to happen to a person. Ultimately, an active mind will be trapped in a non-functioning body. Along with the physical symptoms of Parkinson’s, many people with the diagnosis also experience psychosis, which begins with mild symptoms. This mental side of Parkinson’s can start with confusion and progress to include hallucinations and dementia. Michael J. Fox, the actor, is one of the most famous faces of the disease. The actor received a standing ovation during a surprise appearance at the British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA) Sunday. But what about Parkinson’s disease and medical marijuana.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Long an advocate for more research and discovering treatments to help patients, Fox has been a leader in the field.  His Foundation has shared research to date lacks the data to prove benefits or safety. Thus, doctors don’t have strong evidence to guide recommendations on what to use or how to truly help patients. Still, many people are interested in trying this therapy. In 2020, The Michael J. Fox Foundation convened a workshop on medical marijuana with field leaders and other Parkinson’s organizations.

The limited amount of true research completed has had mixed or conflicting results (some positive, some negative). On questionnaires, people often report benefit on pain, sleep, mood, or motor symptoms such as tremor or stiffness. But many also report side effects. This leaves patients, doctors and researchers with insufficient evidence to guide use.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis. In limited studies, THC has shown to improve both activity and hand-eye coordination in an animal model. A clinical study of 22 patients with the Parkenson’s and smoking marijuana, resulted in improvement of motor symptoms such as bradykinesia, resting tremor, rigidity, and posture, along with with non-motor symptoms such as sleep and pain.

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Cannabis has been used for hundreds of years for pain relief, improving sleep and for other purposes, there is still very little evidence regarding its efficacy and safety. Parkinson’s Europe is more positive toward research and information. They note many clinical studies into cannabis as a Parkinson’s treatment have been hampered by regulatory restrictions or have had various shortcomings.

Can CBD Help With Winter Hair Care

Harsh cold weather can do a number of your hair….should you add CBD to your healthy hair routine?

Winter is tough on the hair. Like skin, it can often feel dry in the wintertime. This is mainly due to the lack of humidity leaving it slightly damaged. Curly-haired folks are more likely to suffer since it takes longer for natural, moisturizing oils to travel down the hair shaft.  Add in hats, snags and everything else and your help needs a little extra help. There are several things you can do, but can CBD help with winter hair care?

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There are some basic tip to help not only your hair, but your body. Drinking healthy fluids, sleep, and good habits are year round benefits.  But in winter, you might need to adjust a few other things. Hair care is a huge business, and there are cbd products, but it’s important to find something to truly. help your hair and scalp health. Read the labels and reviews to make sure you get solid results.

Photo by Element5 Digital via Unsplash

The body naturally produces cannabinoids to help it stay healthy. CBD products are thought to help balance healthy hair. Hair has receptors which respond to  CBD when it touches them, and some experts believe this is what can help hair and keep it strong. The antioxidants in CBD may help give you a healthy scalp. CBD also has anti-inflammatory properties, which could help soothe inflammatory scalp conditions that may affect hair growth, such as eczema and psoriasis.

A CBD hair mask can rehydrate the hair in the winter and give it more bounce and luster. It can will help replenish lost nutrients through the use of too many heat tools, heater blasts, and dry air.

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Other practical tips include:

Humidifiers help rehydrate the air to keep your locks looking lustrous.

Trimming hair every four to eight weeks is a good way to maintain hair health and keep  locks looking fresh. Taking a half inch off reduces the chances of developing dry, split ends.

Avoid a hot shower. the water pulls moisture from your hair, making it brittle and vulnerable to breaking. Instead, wash the hair with lukewarm water followed with a cool rinse.

Wet hair outside when it is cold can make you feel chilled and uncomfortable. But it will not give you a cold. But it can cause hair to freeze and break, since wet hair is more vulnerable to damage.

States Who Love Beer Are Slow For Weed

Some beer loving states are facing an uphill battle with marijuana

It is classic favorite of the public, beer holds a grip and is the favored intoxicant of those who imbibe. It is the most consumed alcohol in the world. In fact, after water and tea, beer is actually one of the most popular drinks in the world! According to reports, in the 2022 brewing year, global beer production ended up increasing slightly year-on-year by 1.3%.  This translates to almost 50 BILLION gallons each year.

RELATED: Swap Your Favorite Alcohol Drink With Weed

Data is clear cannabis is better than alcohol for many reasons. People die from alcohol overdoses. There has never been a fatal marijuana overdose.  Yet, states who love beer are slow to weed.  There are exceptions. If you are a beer distillery, you might have a good reason if you aren’t invested in marijuana.  Gen Z is drifting away from alcohol and California has seen a decline specifically in beer sales, in part due ot legal marijuana.

Photo by 2H Media via Unsplash

The number one beer state is New Hampshire.  The Granite States pops a cold one more often per capita than any other state.  Yet, medical marijuana is legal, but recreational use remains illegal.

Montana is big sky country and enjoys a a beer while enjoying the magnificent views.  Slow to the dance, the state has legal medical and recreational marijuana. Recreational use was legalized in 2020 with dispensaries opened in January 2022

Vermont folks, while they enjoy their beer, also are enjoying their bud. The Granite state legalized medical (2018) and recreational (2022) marijuana are legal. Vermonters beat to their own drum.

North Dakota state motto includes “Liberty and Union, now and forever”.  But when it comes to marijuana, there is no liberty of choice. While medical marijuana is grudgingly legal, recreational use is against the law.

Maine has been a leader in how to roll out recreational weed, and it hasn’t had the downsides for beer.  A well oiled machine can make winners of all industries.

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South Dakota mirrors their neighbor to the north slowly allowing medical marijuana seeing recreational as a crime.  Alcohol sales boom in the sparsely populated state.

Pennsylvania has the Philadelphia, the famed city of brotherly love, but they have no love for weed. Medical marijuana is legal, but recreational is not. Which is interesting considering the size of state and the potential tax revenue which could be generated for their budget.

Nevada believes what happen in Vegas, stays in Vegas…but the larger casino owners had to be dragged kicking and screaming into legalizing both medical and recreational.  Now it has the largest dispensary in Planet 13 and soon will have Cannabition, the revolutionary marijuana immersive experience.

Hawaii allows servers to serve customers providing they are 18 years of age and if a  supervisor 21 or older is present.  But weed is a big no no. The state with an amazing international tourism base only has legal medical marijuana.

Wisconsin the top most popular beer state has is also one of hte few state to not allow medical or recreational marijuana.

Only 4 of the 10 of the most beer love states allow recreational marijuana.  Some of the other smaller states which legalized weed have not seen an impact on beer, which is another case of live and let live.

The Best Wines To Pair With Girl Scout Cookies

When the Girl Scout troop in Muskogee, Oklahoma sold a batch of home made cookies in 1917, they had no idea it would become of the best seller it is today. Since then, it has grown into a cookie juggernaut, selling over 200 million boxes annually, generating $800 million dollars. In addition to raising funds for troops, it is an education journey for the members as well. The process of running a “small business” helps train the scouts in goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethnics.

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It is hard to be just one box of cookies, so people wind up with a variety of flavors and tastes.  The good news is tasty treats are versatile and do well with work, relaxing, movie watching, post workout, at the office and in the car.  And with beverages, and here are the best wines to pair with Girl Scout cookies.

Photo by Terry Vlisidis via Unsplash

Thin Mints

Mint and chocolate is a delightful combo, and fortunately happens to pair wonderfully with Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile, which just so happens to also have both strong mint and chocolate notes. You can also experiment with other members of the Cabernet family, in particular Carmenere, if you want to broaden your horizons.


As a general rule of thumb, pair white wines with a lighter chocolate, such as white or milk chocolate, creating complimentary flavor profiles. Red wine pairs best with dark chocolate.

So we’re looking for a fruit-driven wine that maybe also packs a touch of residual sugar to help bring out the cacao.

Expand your mind and think Zinfandel, something from a warmer place like Lodi or Napa.


Shortbread is a natural pairing with sparkling wine, and in this case I’m looking at a Reserva-level Cava from Spain, something that spent a fair amount of time aging so that it’s really developed the rich notes of brioche and clotted cream that will make this under-loved cookie pop!


Well, this is a bit of a toughie, consider working with the coconut and caramel and let the chocolate take care of itself. A big, oaky Chardonnay, something with a hint of tropical fruit to compliment the coconut is the ticket.  And the butter and vanilla will work with the caramel. Napa Valley or Australia would be good places to start.


The combination of peanut butter and oatmeal makes for a bit of a complicated pairing, but in this case think a richer, more oxidative white wine is just perfect. Consider a Roussanne-Marsanne blend from France’s Rhone Valley, where you’ll get some of those same nutty flavors and a delightfully full body without.

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All Girl Scout Cookies

Champange goes with everything – especially the sweet treats of the cookies.  And it is also a perfect celebration to success of Girl Scouts!


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