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Science Tells Us Why Being Stressed Out Make Us Sick


Do you ever find yourself caught in a cycle of stress, getting sick, stressing out because you’re sick and it’s setting you back, getting sicker because you’re stressed out…

It has to do with your fight-or-flight response. When you’re stressed, your body produces more of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These are meant to be a short-term solution for whatever is facing you at the moment—a bear, an assailant, a near-miss accident—that help you respond quickly to danger.

When you’re constantly stressed out, however, your body keeps making more of these hormones, in addition to quickening your heart rate and blood pressure as a result. That’s extremely taxing on your immune system.

Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist and television commentator, wrote about what’s at work behind this very annoying vicious cycle on Health.com. She writes:

These physiological changes come in handy if you’re facing an acute emergency (say, you have to quickly climb out of a submerged car) but not when you’re constantly barraged with more ordinary annoyances (you can’t find your work ID! Your computer crashes! Traffic makes you late!). Putting your body into this overactive, fight-or-flight state for drawn-out periods can weaken your immune response, triggering various symptoms (gastrointestinal problems, headaches, insomnia) and contributing to everything from respiratory infections to heart disease. Now, there is no such thing as living stress-free, but you knew that already. What’s key is how you manage what life throws at you—you want to short-circuit worry before it overloads you.

Saltz suggests actively de-stressing if you find yourself in a sickness stress loop. Practice deep breathing, talking it out, or getting into some physical activity are all proven ways to beat the stress before it beats you.

[h/t Health]

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This Untidy Snapchat Sex Story Will Leave You Reeling

Millennials like to overshare. This trait can be attributed to social media, which has enabled us to voice our thoughts and opinions no matter how stupid they are, without facing any consequences. Our phones protect us from the rolling eyes and sighs of disappointment that inevitably come when we upload a selfie with an inspiring quote that inspires exactly no one. 

This girl took over sharing to the next level, telling all her Snapchat followers about the time when midnight sex sent her and her boyfriend to the ER with a gash on her forehead and some broken teeth. Was it necessary for her to share all of this intimate and embarrassing information? No. Are you interested in knowing what happens? Read on:

It begins…

Some proof.

Some classic build up of tension (Storytelling 101).

Related Link: Your Smelly Lunch Is Now A Criminal Offense In Italy 

The End.

Do you trust this girl’s wacky rendition of events? Do you think all of this actually happened? We have no idea. She might have added a detail or two for entertainment purposes, but still. What a ride and a great way to use memes.

The Whistleblower Chronicles: All The United Airlines Scandals You Didn’t Know About

I wonder if this is how Edward Snowden felt. The life of a whistleblower isn’t one of glory and exuberance, but of endless anxiety and fear. It is like playing a game of hide and seek, where the real consequence of capture is your life. No one wants to join the Whistleblower Club—even though, yes, the whistle you receive during initiation is super shiny and made of elephant tusk and really dope and you wish you had one.

But I can be silent no more. I cannot pretend I don’t know what I do, what I haven’t seen with my own eyes. When I witnessed that tragic video of that man, unconscious, bloodied eyeglasses clinging to his face, I thought the bravery within me to make a stand would surface. Alas, I am weak.

Then United Airlines went ahead and killed a dadgum bunny.

Here is recap from Uproxx:

The 3-foot long bunny named Simon, which is bigger than many dogs and was sired by the current world record holder for the biggest bunny (his dad is 52 inches long and weighs over 40 pounds), was reportedly healthy as he got on the flight from Heathrow to head to his new home with an unnamed celebrity. United personnel discovered Simon dead at O’Hare airport.

Not just any bunny, but the biggest bunny. His name was Simon, owned and raised by a former Playboy bunny, and found dead at O’Hare airport (Leave it alone, Irony, I don’t have time for your shit right now.)

Though I prefer to remain anonymous, I’m stepping forward today. It is time the world knew every horrible, heinous crime United Airlines has ever committed. The time for silence is no more; give me my dadgum whistle.

· United instituted the middle seat following the post-WWII aviation boom, knowing excitement for affordable human flight would quell any questions regarding the obvious cash grab. After signing the deal to bring about purgatory on Earth, one chairman was reported as saying, “Don’t call us God and don’t call us the Devil.” With a shit-grin, he added, “Call us United.”

· In a scandal that never reached public attention, United narrowly avoided a PR disaster in the late 1980s because of one pilot’s deep-rooted hatred of the Cleveland Browns. While navigating transcontinental flights, he would purposely fly over Cleveland’s stadium and deposit the aircraft’s lavatory waste, fist-pumping. United’s official internal report on the incident concludes, “Fortunate for us, no one gives a shit about the Browns.”

· Off the record, United has murdered approximately 47 million geese in flight over the years.

· Though Flight is labeled a standard motion picture, where Denzel Washington plays an alcoholic airline pilot who crashes a plane to save everyone aboard, it is actually a documentary. For the film, which served as a cover-up, director Robert Zemeckis exaggerated Denzel’s character to be an addict, and reunited him with Don Cheadle and Jon Goodman, because, hey, who doesn’t love those guys? In actuality a drunk Denzel Washington approached a United executive and told him he really wanted to fly a plane. The United executive let Denzel do this because “Denzel is Denzel. You don’t say no to Denzel.”

· Just to frustrate customers, United flights crossing the Atlantic will sometimes play certain movies on an endless loop. Those who flew UA 4938 last year will remember watching Suicide Squad while one flight in 2002 suffered Gigli for 32 consecutive hours.

· United service is terrible because United’s one-time CEO Lance Fauxnom secretly hated rich people. His deep ire for the rich caused an intensive restructuring that purposely discriminated against all upper class values like comfort, basic human decency, and leg room. Fauxnom wanted to create a space that would exclude anyone who would otherwise pay extra for such commodities. He was eventually terminated as his practices threated to sink the company. Fauxnom would go on to found Frontier Airlines.

That is all I can share for now. My whistle has blown and I must retreat into hiding. I am headed to the airport to leave the country. I will not be flying United.

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Gossip: Kim Kardashian On Caitlin Jenner’s Book: ‘Things Aren’t Truthful’; Kelly Rowland Shut Down Any Hope For Destiny’s Child Reunion

Kim Kardashian has always been the one Kardashian coming to Caitlyn Jenner’s defense, but it looks like those days are over.

According to Kim, Caitlyn’s new book is full of lies about the family and she’s not with it.

“My heart breaks for my mom. You know, because I feel like she’s been through so much,” Kim said during interview on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” “[Caitlyn’s] promoting this book and she’s saying all these things and I just don’t think it’s necessary. And I just feel like it’s unfair, things aren’t truthful.”

When Ellen asked if Caitlyn was being honest, Kim replied, “No, not with certain things about my mom.”

“I mean, I feel like it’s taken her a really long time to be honest with herself, so I don’t expect her to be honest you know, about my mom now, but it’s just so hurtful,” she continued. “I wish her all the success in the world, but not at our expense.”

Kim said she hasn’t spoken with Caitlyn “in a couple of weeks” and while she’ll “always love her,” she doesn’t “respect the character that she’s showing now.”

“I’ll still always have a major love for her, for who she was in my life. I’m really sentimental; I think my mom’s that way,” she added. “It’s still Kendall and Kylie’s dad, so I want to be respectful, but I just feel like there’s no need for a book. You know, tell your story but just don’t bash other people, you know. I just think like it’s not tasteful.”

Kelly Rowland Shut Down Any Hope For Destiny’s Child Reunion

Kelly Rowland shut down any hope for a Destiny’s Child reunion in an interview with Good Day New York’s Rosanna Scotto this morning. When asked about a reunion, Rowland said “No! Everybody asks. Everyone’s doing their own thing …. Michelle is doing her thing, Beyoncé’s pregnant obviously and I have a book!”

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Drink Me: Check Out These Trippy ‘Alice In Wonderland’ Cocktails From Lord George Bar In SF

The siren song of a well crafted cocktail is enough of a thirst quencher for most drinkers, but a cocktail that looks like it came straight out of your childhood fantasy? A round for everyone,  please! Make it a double.

That’s what’s going on at San Francisco watering (rabbit) hole Lord George. The bar is playing host to guest bartender Kate Bolton of Portland’s venerable Ava Gene’s (she was Eater‘s Bartender of the Year 2012), who designed the menu to include creative odes to the Lewis Carroll classic, including: “Advice from a Caterpillar” that uses billowing applewood smoke and “Mad Hatter” punch that’s served in a teacup, along with bittered sugar cubes on a teaspoon (check out the slideshow above). Her entire menu is online as part of a rotating rockstar bartender series fittingly called Mavericks.

Bolton’s menu runs through June and 50 cents of each one of her cocktails will be donated to a charity of her choice. If you can’t make it in to try one of her fantastical concoctions, here’s a cocktail from Lord George you can make at home. It’s an Old Fashioned/ Negroni/ Manhattan hybrid for those who can’t decide what they want to drink.

Dreams Old Men Dream

Photo by Colson Griffith

Recipe by Dustin Sullivan for Lord George 

Old Fashioned Glass – Large Rock – Build in Beaker

  • 0.75 oz Carpano Antica
  • 0.5 oz Rittenhouse Rye
  • 0.5 oz Four Roses Bourbon
  • 0.5 oz Beefeater Gin
  • 0.25 oz Campari
  • 1/8 teaspoon simple syrup
  • 4 dashes Angostura bitters

Stir and single strain over large rock. Top with orange twist.

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Caterpillars Could Be Our Secret Answer To Removing The World’s Waste


As waste centers fill with non-degradable plastic bags and humans produced 311 million tons of plastic in 2014 alone, scientists are set to working on a solution to the plastic problem. Though plastic is wonderful in its durability and versatility, making it a favorite of the packaging industry, it has let to unseemly sights of waste. One solution, as scientists recently discovered could lie within a type of caterpillar known as the waxworm.

The discovery was made accidentally by Spanish research Federica Bertocchini who is a part-time beekeeper. Waxworms are known to enjoy munching on beeswax (literally) and so Bertocchini is used to removing the critters from her hives. One day, though, she set the waxworms in a plastic bag to be dealt with later and discovered the waxworms had eaten their way out.

While other scientist have found fungi and bacteria that are plastic-busting organisms, Bertocchini found that her waxworms ate away much quicker than previous findings. Bertocchini was curious, however, if the creatures were just biting or digesting the plastic. To test it, she processed the waxworms into a paste and rubbing it against a plastic film, which did degrade. Bertocchini eventually teamed with Cambridge University biochemists for further research and the team published their findings in Current Biology.

There are some naysayers, though. Via The Atlantic:

An army of bag-chewing caterpillars might consume a lot of plastic, but they would also end up releasing small fragments or microplastics into the environment, which can “pick up toxins like a sponge, transport these toxins up the food chain, and can cause harm to the environment and human health,” [Michigan State’s Ramani Narayan] says. “Biodegradation isn’t a magical solution to plastics waste management.”

Bertocchini emphasized the goal shouldn’t be to produce a platoon of these waxworms, but to identify the enzyme that allows them to break down the plastic and try to replicate it from there. Hopefully, should scientists isolate that, we might be able to turn our mountains of trash into molehills.

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Inside The Marijuana Dinner Clubs That Are Los Angeles’ Latest Fine Dining Trend

While cannabis and food fusing together isn’t a new development, it is however entering the fine dining space in a unique and surprising way in California. The latest trend in the recently legalized state is weed supper parties, hosted by weed sommeliers and former executive chefs. Patrons can sign up online and can be treated to a full course experience that’s properly dosed for your marijuana tolerance levels.

Though cannabis legalization in and of itself is enough to excite most, what’s really exciting moving forward is how cannabis will merge with ancillary products and markets. We’re already seeing marijuana as a theme to build an entire TV show around and cannabis-friendly dating apps pop up. It’s clear to see how marijuana will continue normalizing itself within the culture writ large through moves like these, in a similar way how alcohol at a social event doesn’t feel so naughty but par for the course.

Here is The Independent’s Edmund Vallace describing one prepared meal:

We start with prosciutto, burrata, and fava beans picked from in Aaron’s own garden. The olive oil must have been sneakily spiked with its psychoactive ingredients, because it has only a subtle taste of cannabis.

After the prosciutto, we move to Japanese sweet potato gnocchi with loquat jam and goat butter; short rib filanese with risotto; then black cod with squid ink salsa verde—the weed-oiled fish garnished with tiny pink nasturtiums.

This isn’t your sketchy friend of a friend’s college roommate producing some mind-melting weed brownies. The California scene operates in a rather underground space as California is still under strict regulation until January 2018. Attending one of these parties, we should mention, constitutes a legally gray space, as only card carriers should consume medicinal marijuana in California still.

It remains an exciting venture, however, as cannabis and the culture look to the future. “Notable weed entrepreneur” Chris Sayegh intends to soon open Herb, which will be, as he calls it, the world’s first cannabis restaurant. We’ll let you know when you can make reservations.

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Gossip: Caitlyn Jenner Saving Her New Vagina For Mr. Right; Bette Midler Getting Replaced By Dolly Parton

Caitlyn Jenner has revealed that she has had her final surgery to give her a vagina. And now the star is saving it for the perfect person.

“Caitlyn feels like a virgin again at 67 years old,” sources tell Straight Shuter. “She is taking her time and is in no hurry to give that away. She is saving herself for the right person.”

She has revealed that she will never sleep with a woman again, which means that Caitlyn is looking for a man. Good luck.

Bette Midler Getting Replaced By Dolly Parton

Bette Midler has only just opened on Broadway in Hello, Dolly and producers are already planning on replacing her.

“Bette has signed on for one year. The entire run is almost sold out and now producers are looking for life after she leaves,” sources tell Straight Shuter. “The person that they all agree would be perfect to follow Bette is Dolly Parton. The show would literally be, “Hello, DOLLY!”

No deal has been reached yet with the country legend but she is top of the list even if Bette’s costume would need to be expanded in the bust area!

Love the fresh dirt we bring over daily from Naughty Gossip? Let us know in the comments!

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Chew On This: Marijuana-Infused Gum Is The Next Big Thing

If you’ve tried all the usual methods of consuming marijuana — smoking, vaporizing, using tinctures or edibles, just to name a few — and you’re in search of an even easier method, we’ve got the answer. That saying, “Easy as walking and chewing gum” just got a boost … a THC boost. Say hello to marijuana-infused gum.

Chewing cannabis goes back to the 11th Century A.D., when the Sufis in ancient Egypt would dry and toast hashish leaves, mix them with sugar and sesame, and chew it like gum. Fortunately, a more palatable version exists today with flavors like Cool Mint and Tropical, using healthier ingredients, and even offering sugar-free options.

So why chew your THC, you ask? The biggest perk for marijuana-infused gum is that it’s absorbed faster than most edibles because it’s absorbed through the lining of the mouth, instead of needing to be digested and metabolized. Cannabis gum delivers the effects of the herb into your blood much quicker because it skips the digestive process. For the same reason, some medications are administered under the tongue — you’ll feel the effects more quickly, and won’t need your next dose so soon.

With edibles being one of the fastest-growing markets in the legalized marijuana industry, it’s no surprise someone like Jake Heimark left Facebook and launched Plus Gum, which specializes in cannabis-infused gum.

Sold as singles or in six-packs, the gum contains 25mg of THC per piece and has less than five calories; the company states that it starts working in less than 15 minutes, with effects lasting four or more hours. Not bad! Heimark is optimistic about the cannabis gum possibilities, “What I love about this industry is that it is brand-new and growing. It’s so exciting and changing every day.”

Another company looking to enter the field is AXIM Biotechnologies, which has begun clinical trials for cannabis gum aimed to treat conditions such as multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease.

THC can be effective at treating patients with degenerative diseases, and the actual chewing may help preserve cognition and memory. Many patients state that cannabis has been helpful in treating the pain and inflammation associated with MS.

AXIM expects approval and availability in the U.S. and Europe by 2017.

Chewing gum, unlike smoking or ingestion, can be done almost anywhere at any time. There is very little to no smell, and it won’t bother anyone around you (unless you chew loudly with your mouth open, natch). Whether you need it for chronic pain, to help with a particular medical condition, or just to relax, it’s surely worth a try.


Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store

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Sweet And Savory: 3 Original Craft Cocktails To Make With Bitters

Craft cocktails have made incredible leaps and bounds over the past dozen or so years. Nothing is more in evidence than the augmentations, such as bitters, shrubs, syrups, tonics, cola, and even flowers — each variety and flavor designed specifically for the craft cocktail bar.

Visit your neighborhood mixology bar; they are popping up all over like microbrew bars did about ten years ago. You can tell a mixology bar by a couple of things. Look over at the bar. Should you see little medicine droppers on tiny bottles lined up in a row, you’re probably in the right place. Look further, do you see liquors on the shelf that you don’t recognize? Getting warmer, you are. What about that over there? It looks like they refrigerate their Vermouth (if they don’t, throw it out!). And the ice, wow, such large cubes and crystal clear.

(OK, please don’t get hung up on clear ice, not everyone gets ice and are ice-nerds, but I digress.)

But back to those little bottles. What are they? What do they do?

Well, you’re in luck. I happened to have written an entire book on bitters. So I think my explanation of what bitters are, and what they are not, will make more sense to you. I hope so, anyhow.

First of all, all bitters are not Angostura. With that said, all bitters are not sweet. Far from. What bitters are- in as few words as possible is depth and balance within a craft cocktail. Made from herbs and spices-these bitter liquids, when dispensed drop, by precious drop give a cocktail or mocktail new clarity. Not clarity in color, but concentration in flavor. Instead of a drink being one dimensional, the addition of freshly squeezed (always) juices and the finish with a couple drops of bitters, the ones that make most sense, will make that cocktail sing. And what song will that be?

Not one that is more than a few sips. Because the addition of bitters to a craft cocktail is the finish to an already well made concoction.

Bitters come in a broad array of flavors. There are dozens of Mexican Mole’ Bitters, aromatic, celery, Creole-style Peychaud’s comes to mind here, as does Angostura; both were invented to heal the gut in times of poor refrigeration and sea-sickness. I’ve fallen for some new ones from Crude down in North Carolina that are darned delicious — Wilks and Wilson Bitters have made it into my kit. I’m always interested in the Bittered Sling from friendly Vancouver, BC. The Moroccan Bitters, Thai Bitters, Chesapeake Bay Bitters (Bitter End) are my all-time favorites. Bitters made without alcohol — Fee Brothers comes to mind immediately. Their mint is a julep in a pinch. Tinctures that tantalize the taste buds, such as the brilliant 1821.

There are hundreds of bitters available on the market all over the world and each are as delicious as the next. I suggest tasting them all, but bring your wallet because a little 1-2 oz. bottle can cost a pretty penny! If you are in New Orleans during the yearly Tales of the Cocktail festival in July, you can take a gander at a veritable cornucopia of bitters.

It really is the Golden Age of cocktail ingredients and Mixology.

Here are a few cocktails that I created that use bitters as the finishing touch.

Phoenician Carrot Frappe

  • 3 oz. Arak (kind of like ouzo, but much drier)
  • 2 oz. Freshly crushed carrot juice
  • Crushed Ice
  • Fresh mint (drop cut end in boiling water for 10-15 seconds, then store in ice water, cut end down)
  • Aromatic Bitters


To a Burgundy wine glass: Add the crushed ice To a Boston Shaker. Add the Arak and the carrot juice. Add bar-ice to fill ¾ and cap, shake hard for 15.5 seconds. Double strain over the ice in the Burgundy glass. Dot with Aromatic Bitters. Garnish with the fresh mint, add more ice to the glass, if necessary.


Four Pairs of Shoes and a Dark Suit

  • 3 oz. Eden Heirloom Ice Cider from Vermont
  • 2 oz. Guinness Foreign Extra Stout (left to go flat overnight)
  • 4 oz. Sparkling cider (your choice)


Into a pre-chilled Burgundy glass: Add the “flat” Guinness. Float the sparkling cider on top. Finish with another float of the Heirloom Ice Cider. Serve and prepare another… They’re so good!

Your Talking Barber

  • 2 oz. Barr Hill Gin from Vermont (distilled from Raw Honey and Grain)
  • 1 oz. White balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon marmalade
  • 1 oz. Dry Vermouth, such as Dolin
  • 1 oz. Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 3-5 drops Celery bitters


Prepare a coupe glass with ice and water. When frosty, pour out the ice and water and add 5 drops of the celery bitters, roll the bitters around to make the glass wet inside. Into a Boston Shaker, filled ¾ with ice. Add the lemon marmalade, the balsamic, the vermouth, the Barr Hill Gin and the lemon juice. Cap and shake HARD for 15 seconds. Double strain into your coupe glass with the celery bitters already inside the chilled and seasoned glass.


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